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Table 1. Waste in Denmark in 1995 and 1996 by type of waste and mode of treatment. Stated in ‘000 tonnes and percentage.


Waste Statistics 1996 

    Source: ISAG-reports 1995 and 1996, The Government’s Action Plan for Waste and Recycling 1993-97, Danisco, Association of Danish Recycling Industries and other bigger scrap dealers,
    Elsam, Elkraft and reports in 1994 and 1995 to the Environmental Protection Agency about sludge for recovery on farmland and incineration. Note that the figures for 1996 in relation to sludge
    for recovery on farmland and incineration are based on 1995-figures. The quantities stated in the Table are the quantities of a specific type of waste received from primary sources such as domstic
    waste - regardless if the source is, e.g., households or institutions, trade and office. 1 Commercial and industrial waste means all waste coming from industrial activity regardless if the source is
    manufacturing industry, institutions, trade, office, building or construction activity.