
Working report no. 23 1999

Effects of the increase in the danish waste tax

In 97, a substantial increase in the Danish waste tax took effect. The report takes stock of the development in taxable wasteamounts for the years 97 and 98. The diffentiation of the tax, wich favours incineration compared to landfill, has made it possible to reduce costs. The report has focus on industrial and commercial waste based on a detailed analysis of waste management data from 11 enterprises. Considerable diffenences between recycling rates have been found. The decisive factor for improvement in recycling rates seems to be the financial performance of the enterprise.

I 1997 trådte en væsentlig forhøjelse af affaldsafgiften i kraft. I rapporten gøres status over udviklingen i de afgiftspligtige affaldsmængder for 1997 og 1998. Den differentiering, der favoriserer forbrænding i forhold til deponering, har gjort det muligt at reducere omkostningerne ved at skifte fra deponering til forbrænding.Det har været et populært alternativ. I rapporten fokuseres på erhvervsaffald gennem en detaljeret analyse af affaldsdata for 11 virksomheder. Der er stor forskel på genanvendelsesprocenterne, og den afgørende parameter synes at være virksomhedens økonomiske konjunkturer.

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