
Arbejdsrapport fra Miljøstyrelsen no. 3 2000

Heavy Metals in Packagings

Check Analyses - 1998

Content of heavy metal in 3 metal and 49 glass packagings have been analysed in 1998. In the Packaging Directive (94/62) threshold limit values for the sum of the concentration levels of lead, cadmium, mercury and hexavalent chromium have been laid down.During the period from 30 June 1998 to 30 June 1999, the sum of the concentrations of the 4 heavy metals must not exceed 600 ppm.

During the period from 30 June 1999 to 30 June 2001, the threshold limit value is 250 ppm. The threshold limit value of 600 ppm is exceeded in one glass packaging. The coming threshold limit value of 250 ppm is exceeded in eight glass packagings.

The exceeding of the threshold limit values, which - in all cases - has been found in the glass packagings, has merely been assessed on the basis of the lead content. The values found for chromium is the total content of which the share of Cr(VI) is low.

Abstract in Danish
Tre metal- og 49 glasemballager er undersøgt for indhold af tungmetaller i 1998. I Emballagedirektivet (94/62) er fastlagt grænseværdier for summen af indholdet af total bly, total cadmium, total kviksølv og chrom i iltningstrin +6. I perioden 30. Juni 1998 til 30. juni 1999 må summen af de 4 tungmetaller ikke overskride 600 ppm. I perioden 30. juni 1999 til 30. Juni 2001 er grænseværdien 250 ppm.

Grænseværdien på 600 ppm er overskredet for en glasemballage.
Den kommende grænseværdi på 250 ppm er overskredet for otte glasemballager.

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