
Bekæmpelsesmiddelforskning fra Miljøstyrelsen no.52

Point and non-point source leaching of pesticides in a till groundwater catchment

Engelsk: Very high concentrations of phenoxyherbicides are found in soil and groundwater under a machinery yard previosly belonging to Skelskør orchard. Downward migration pesticide peak concentrations of 1 to 2 mg/l are occuring at 5-7 m depth. The vertical migration rate of the pesticide front towards the aquifer at 22 m depth is 0.1 to 0.2 m/year. In the Skelskør orchard pesticide occurrence in soil and groundwater is erratic and the concentrations of findings are very low.

Abstract in Danish.
Dansk: Høje koncentrationer af phenoxyherbicider er fundet i jord og grundvand under en vaskeplads i tilknytning til Skelskør frugtplantage. Pesticider er påvist i sum-koncentrationer på 1 mg/l til 2 mg/l i 5-7 m’s dybde. Vandringen af pesticiderne er nedadrettet mod grundvandsreservoiret i ca. 22 m’s dybde. Vandringshastigheden er estimeret til 0,1 til 0,2 m/år.I selve frugtplantagen er pesticidfundene spredte og med lave koncentrationer.

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