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Danish Environmental Exports of Products and Consultancy Services within the Water Sector in 1999

1 Introduction

With this study, the Danish EPA has created an up-to-the-minute overview of the size, geographical distribution and nature of Danish exports of products and consultancy services to the water sector.

One of the goals was to define and draw up boundaries for the water sector in order to pinpoint the companies that constitute the Danish water sector. The correlation between the practical implementation of Danish environmental assistance under the Environment, Peace and Stability Fund (MIFRESTA) and Danish exports of environmental equipment and know-how to the recipient countries has not been elucidated in this study. This will be done in a special analysis.

The study was conducted as a questionnaire survey among companies in the water sector. The same method was used by the Danish Energy Agency to calculate Danish exports of energy products and consultancy services. The study of the water sector was therefore closely co-ordinated with the Danish Energy Agency, since some companies belong to both the water and the energy sectors. This applies to approximately one fifth of the companies that have taken part in the study. These companies have therefore been sent questionnaires for both sectors.

According to the replies a total of 46 companies exported products and 29 companies exported consultancy services in 1998, i.e. a total of 75 companies.


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