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Environmental Assistance to Eastern Europa -Annual Report 1998


Bn Billion (= 
BOD  Biological Oxygen Demand 
CEE  Central and Eastern Europe 
CEEC  Central and Eastern European Countries 
CFC  Chlorofluorocarbon 
CHP  Combined Heat and Power 
CO2  Carbon Dioxide 
DANCEE  Danish Cooperation for Environment in Eastern Europe
(DEPA division administering the DESF facility) 
DEPA  Danish Environmental Protection Agency 
DESF  Danish Environmental Support Fund for Eastern Europe 
DKK  Danish kroner (Danish currency) 
EAP  Environmental Action Programme 
EBRD  European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 
ECE  Economic Commission for Europe (UN) 
EDRF  Environment and Disaster Relief Facility 
EU  European Union 
HELCOM  Helsinki Commission 
IFI  International Financial Institution 
IPPC  Integrated Pollution Prevention Control 
Million (= 1.000.000) 
NEHAP  National Environmental and Health Action Plan 
NEFCO  Nordic Environment Finance Corporation 
NIB  Nordic Investment Bank 
NIS  Newly Independent States (former Soviet Union) 
NGO  Non-Governmental Organisation 
NOX  Nitrogen Oxide 
OECD  Organisation for Economic Finance Corporation 
PE  Person Equivalent 
PHARE  Pologne-Hongrie: Actions pour la Reconvertion Economique 
POPs  Persistant Organic Pollutants 
PPC  Project Preparation Committee 
SO2  Sulphur Dioxide 
TA  Technical Assistance 
TACIS  Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States 
USD  US dollar (US currency) 
VOC Volatile Organic Compound

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