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Environmental Assistance to Eastern Europa - Annual Report 1998


Title Environmental Assistance to Eastern Europe – Annual Report '98
Other contributors
Publisher 221 Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Responsible institution Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Copyright Ministry of Environment and Energy. Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Series and number
Notes and other information
Keywords eng: Environmental assistance; environmental projects; Bulgaria; Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania; Poland; Czech Republic; Romania; Belarus; Russia; Slovakia; Hungary; Montenegro; Croatia; Moldova; the Aarhus Convention.
Emneord dan: støtteordninger; projekter; Bulgarien; Estland; Letland; Litauen; Polen; Tjekkiet; Rumænien; Hviderusland; Rusland; Slovakiet; Ukraine; Montenegro; Kroatien; Moldova; Århuskonventionen.
Abstract eng: The annual report for 1998 reviews initiatives and activities in connection with environmental assistance to Eastern Europe from January 1998 to and including the end of the year. Projects that have received grants from DANCEE are briefly described. In addition, the annual report comprises the Ministerial Declaration and the Financing Report from the Aarhus Conference.
Resumé dan: Årsberetningen for 1998 indeholder en gennemgang af initiativer og aktiviteter i forbindelse med miljøstøtte til Østeuropa fra januar 1998 til og med årets udgang. Projekter, der har fået tildelt støtte fra Miljøstøtteordningen er beskrevet med et kort resumé. Beretningen indeholder endvidere Ministerdeklarationen og Finansieringsrapporten fra Århuskonferencen.
Language eng
ISBN - electronic ISBN 87-7909-799-5
ISSN - electronic
Price - electronic free of charge
URL http://www.mst.dk
Alternative URL
Version 1.0
Version date 2000.07.27
Format htm; gif
Inventory index_eng.htm; indhold_eng.htm; kolofon_eng.htm; kap01_eng.htm; kap02_eng.htm; kap03_eng.htm; kap04_eng.htm; kap05_eng.htm; kap06_eng.htm; kap07_eng.htm; annex01_eng.htm; annex02_eng.htm; annex03_eng.htm; appendix01_eng.htm; appendix02_eng.htm; Figur 1.gif; Figur 2.gif; Figur 3.gif; Figur 4.gif
ISBN - print ISBN 87-7909-798-7
ISSN - print ISSN 1600-6585
Publication standard no. 1.0

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