
Environmental Investigations No. 03 2000
Redegørelse fra Miljøstyrelsen

Aquatic Environment 1999

State of the Danish Aquatic Environment

Aquatic Environment 1999 is the first state-of-the-environment report under NOVA-2003, the Danish Aquatic Monitoring and Assessment Programme 1998–2003. Part 1: "Technical Status – State and Pressures" quantifies discharges, losses and emissions of pollutants to the aquatic environment and describes the resultant environmental state. Part 2: "Action for a Cleaner Aquatic Environment – Status and Perspectives" reviews current progress towards fulfilment of pollutant reduction targets and aquatic environment quality objectives, and examines how best to continue the efforts to ensure a cleaner aquatic environment.

Abstract in Danish
dan: Vandmiljø-99 er den første samlede rapportering af NOVA-2003, det nationale program for overvågning af vandmiljøet 1998-2003. Del 1: "Faglig status - miljøtilstand og påvirkninger", indeholder en opgørelse af udledninger og tab af forurenende stoffer til vandmiljøet samt en beskrivelse af den resulterende miljøtilstand. I del 2: "Status og perspektiver for indsatsen for et renere vandmiljø", bliver der gjort status for opfyldelsen af reduktions- og kvalitetsmålene for vandmiljøet. Der bliver desuden peget på, hvordan der kan arbejdes videre for at sikre et renere vandmiljø.

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