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Cross-flow filtration of fruit juice

Figure 10.3.
Yearly cherry production at Vallø Saft

5450 ton berries
654 ton (12%) loss at the press
4796 m3 left
3836,8 m3 (80%) top-juice to the centrifuge
959,2 m3 (20%) sediment to the vacuumfilter
383,68 m3 sludge (10%) from the centrifuge to the vacuumfilter
1342,88 m3 total to the vacuumfilter
272,5 ton (5% of the 5450 ton berries) loss at the vacuumfilter
4523,5 to the final filtration
1583,225 m3 (35%) to the pressurefilter:
2940,275 m3 (65%) to the ultrafiltration unit