
Environmental Investigations no. 6/2000 
Technology Programme for Soil and Groundwater Contamination

Technology Programme for Soil and Groundwater Contamination 2000

The Technology Programme for Soil and Groundwater Contamination 2000 presents the projects initiated under the Programme, and describes project proposals for 2000-2001.  Focus is primarily on field projects relating to contamination from chlorinated solvents, hydrocarbons, including MTBE's and PAHs.  The report gives a survey of the technologies selected for testing.  Since the Programme was launched in 1996, about.

Abstract in Danish
I Teknologiprogram for jord- og  grundvandsforurening 2000 gives en oversigt over de projekter, der er igangsat under ordningen og beskriver projektforslag for 2000-2001.Der planlægges primært igangsat feltprojekter overfor forureninger med klorerede opløsningsmidler, kulbrinter, herunder MTBE og PAHér.  I programmet er en samlet liste over de teknikker, der ønskes afprøvet. Siden ordningen trådte i kraft i 1996, er der igangsat omkring 60 sager. 

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