Waste Statistics 1998

Table 1
Total waste generation in Denmark in 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998

Sources: ISAG-reports for 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998, Danisco, Association of Danish Recycling Industries and other large scrap dealers, Elsam, Elkraft, and reports to the Danish Environmental Protection Agency on sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plants applied to farmland etc. (for 1998, figures from 1997 have been used. Sludge in long-term storage has been included in amounts of sludge applied to farmland etc.), and incineration in sludge incineration plants (for 1998, figures from 1997 have been used). Figures for sludge are stated in wet weight. Figures have been adjusted for imports of waste. The generation of waste in relation to the ISAG reports has been found by stating the quantity of waste delivered to waste treatment plants from primary sources. For this purpose, "primary sources" means waste generators that are not waste treatment plants (reprocessing facilities, incineration plants, composting and biogas plants, and landfills). Waste such as slag, fly ash, and flue gas cleaning products from waste incineration plants is therefore not included in the statement as it would otherwise be counted twice. Furthermore, waste from the source "recycling centres/transfer stations" is distributed on other primary sources. The principles for distribution are given in Annex 2.