Waste Statistics 1998

4. Hazardous waste

Table 9 on hazardous waste amounts includes waste from primary and secondary sources distributed on treatment options. Waste from secondary sources, such as waste from incineration plants, is not included in total waste generation, cf. Table 1. However, it is reasonable when assessing the total generation of hazardous waste to include waste from both primary and secondary sources.

Table 9 shows that total generation of hazardous waste in 1998 amounted to some 280,000 tonnes, which means that from 1997 to 1998 there was an increase of just above 30,000 tonnes in the generation of hazardous waste. This increase is mainly due to an increase in amounts of hazardous waste from secondary sources.

In 1998, Kommunekemi received around 73,000 tonnes of hazardous waste for special treatment. This is almost similar to the amounts received in 1997.

Table 9 Look here!

Remark that figures for 1997 and 1998 cannot be compared directly, as the basis for the statement of hazardous waste was changed in connection with the 1998 reports. This means that for 1997 only waste treated at Kommunekemi was stated at the detailed fraction level. Waste treated at other treatment plants was registered under the collective term "oil and chemical waste".