Input/Output analysis - Shortcuts to life cycle data?

Annex A. Workshop programme

Workshop on
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Input/Output-Analysis (I/O-A)

Friday, 29th september 2000, Copenhagen

Location: Copenhagen University Main Building, Frue Plads.


9.00 Introduction to I/O-analyses (Anne Merete Nielsen)
9.15 Introduction to use of LCA (Marianne Wesnæs)

Danish experiences

9.30 Physical Input-Output Tables and National Accounting Matrices and Environmental Accounts (NAMEAs) for Denmark (Ole Gravgård Pedersen, Statistics Denmark)
10.00 Applications of Input-Output Models for LCA: Some experiences from the energy area (Jesper Munksgaard, AKF)

International experiences

10.45 Uncertainty analysis for input-output-based vs. process-based life-cycle inventories (Manfred Lenzen, Department of Applied Physics, University of Sydney, Australia)
11.15 State-of-the-art of hybrid methods and international projects (Sangwon Suh, Centre for Environmental Science, Leiden University, The Netherlands)
11.45 Lunch
13.00 Non-energy related emissions in I/O-A and additional sources of error and uncertainty (Greg Norris, Harvard University and University of New Hampshire, USA)
13.30 Example: The statistical basis for integration of working environment in LCA (Anders Schmidt, dk-TEKNIK)


14.00 What role should I/O-A play in relation to LCA, for e.g. validation, filling data gaps, limiting errors, or as an actual LCA-tool (hybrid method)? Advantages and disadvantages of increased use of I/O-A and I/O-data in LCA market based LCA and I/O-A. Possibilities for more economic modelling and forecasting?
Need for new initiatives to make I/O-A useful for LCA?
16.30 End of workshop