Cleaner Technology Projects in Denmark 1996

Cleaner Technology Projects 1994 - Summaries

Renere teknologiprojekter 1994, resumeer
Arbejdsrapport nr. 31, 1996, Miljøstyrelsen

Cleaner Technology Projects 1994 – Summaries is a work report with summaries of all 43 environmental projects and work reports made by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (Miljøstyrelsen) about cleaner technology, which were published in 1994.

The projects were carried out according to the action plan "Cleaner Technology 1993-97" made by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (Miljøstyrelsens handlingsplan for Renere Teknologi 1993-97).

In 1994 focus was set on the concept of life cycle as a principle in the preventive environmental work. Furthermore, many of the projects dealt with lateral provision – in an industry, among companies with mutual presentation of a problem or within the same geographical area. Finally, environmental management was a subject for several projects.

A general feature of most of the projects was that it pays off for the companies to work targeted with cleaner technology as a preventive effort – the investments are quickly earned and the technological development can also produce export advantages.

Cross-references have been given for the projects, which are part of important examinations or if a preceding or following project exists.

Since the work reports are only published in a restricted circulation some may no longer be available. These can be borrowed from the library of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. The environmental reports can be bought through the Danish Environmental Protection Agency or in the "Environmental Store" (Miljøbutikken) or borrowed at a public library.

This collection of reports has also been published in English.

Author/ institution

Susanne Stormer, Substans

This report is subsidised by the National Council for Recycling and Cleaner Technology

ISSN no. 0908-9195
ISBN no. 87-7810-597-8