Denmark's Third National Communication on Climate Change


1 Executive Summary
1.1 National circumstances relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and removals
1.1.1 General
1.1.2 Energy, transport, and the domestic sector
1.1.3 Business sector and waste
1.1.4 Agriculture and forestry
1.1.5 Greenland and the Faroe Islands
1.2 Greenhouse gas inventory information
1.2.1 Carbon dioxide, CO2
1.2.2 Methane, CH4
1.2.3 Nitrous oxide, N2O
1.2.4 The industrial gases HFCs, PFCs and SF6
1.2.5 Denmark's, Greenland's and the Faroe Island's' total emissions and removals of greenhouse gases
1.2.6 Preliminary inventories under the Kyoto Protocol and the EU's of burden-sharing
1.3 Policies and measures
1.3.1 Mechanisms and effects in Denmark's economic sectors
1.4 Projections and the total effect of policies and measures
1.5 Vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts and adaptation
1.5.1 Climate development - effects and possibility for adaptation for Denmark
1.5.2 Climate changes in Greenland and on the Faroe Island's
1.6 Financial resources and transfer of technology
1.7 Research and systematic observations
1.8 Education, training and public awareness
2 National circumstances relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and removals
2.1 Denmark
2.1.1 Form of government and structure of administration
2.1.2 Population
2.1.3 Geography
2.1.4 Climate
2.1.5 Economy
2.1.6 Energy and the domestic sector
2.1.7 Transport
2.1.8 Business sector
2.1.9 Waste
2.1.10 Buildings and urban structure
2.1.11 Agriculture
2.1.12 Forestry
2.2 Greenland
2.2.1 Form of government and administrative structure
2.2.2 Population
2.2.3 Geography
2.2.4 Climate
2.2.5 Economy
2.2.6 Energy
2.2.7 Transport
2.2.8 Business sector
2.2.9 Waste
2.2.10 Buildings and infrastructure
2.2.11 Agriculture
2.2.12 Forestry
2.3 The Faroe Island's
2.3.1 Form of government and administrative structure
2.3.2 Population
2.3.3 Geography
2.3.4 Climate
2.3.5 Economy
2.3.6 Energy
2.3.7 Transport
2.3.8 Business sector
2.3.9 Buildings and urban structure
2.3.10 Agriculture
2.3.11 Forestry
3 Greenhouse gas inventory information
3.1 Greenhouse gas inventories
3.2 Denmark's emissions and removals of greenhouse gases
3.2.1 Carbon dioxide (CO2)
3.2.2 Methane (CH4)
3.2.3 Nitrous oxide (N2O)
3.2.4 The industrial gases HFCs, PFCs and SF6
3.2.5 Denmark's total emissions and removals of greenhouse gases
3.3 Denmark's, Greenland's and the Faroe Island's' total emissions and removals of greenhouse gases
3.4 Preliminary inventories under the Kyoto Protocol and the EU's distribution of the burden sharing
4 Policies and measures
4.1 Climate policy and the decision-making process
4.1.1 National action plans
4.1.2 Denmark's new climate strategy
4.1.3 Economic aspects of the climate policy
4.2 Policies and measures and their effects Denmark's economic sectors
4.2.1 Energy
4.2.2 Transport
4.2.3 Business sector
4.2.4 Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
4.2.5 Domestic sector
4.2.6 Waste
4.3 Energy policies and measures in Greenland
5 Projections and the total effect of policies and measures
5.1 Introduction and overall effect of policies and measures
5.2 Energy, including transport and the domestic sector
5.3 Business sector
5.4 Agriculture
5.4.1 Methane
5.4.2 Nitrous oxide
5.5 Forestry
5.6 Waste
5.7 Total emissions
5.7.1 Total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions
5.7.2 Methane, CH4
5.7.3 Nitrous oxide, N2O
5.7.4 Industrial gases HFCs, PFCs and SF6
5.8 Greenland and the Faroe Islands
5.9 Methods used in the projections
6 Vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts and adaptation measures
6.1 Climate in the future
6.2 Climate trend in Denmark
6.2.1 The latest developments
6.2.2 Projected climate changes in Denmark
6.2.3 Impacts and Denmark's possibilities for adaptation
6.3 Climate changes in Greenland
6.3.1 Impacts and adaptations in terrestrial ecosystems
6.3.2 Impacts and adaptations in marine ecosystems
6.4 Climate changes on the Faroe Island's
6.4.1 Impacts and adaptation in terrestrial and marine ecosystems
7 Financial resources and transfer of technology
7.1 Danish development policy
7.1.1 Development cooperation
7.1.2 New and additional assistance funds
7.1.3 Assistance through the private sector
7.1.4 Assistance to developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to climate changes
7.1.5 Activities in connection with technology transfer
7.2 Cooperation with Central and Eastern Europe
7.2.1 MIFRESTA Facility
7.2.2 Strategy for Danish assistance to Central and Eastern Europe 2002-2003
8 Research and systematic observation
8.1 Climate research and observations in general
8.2 Research
8.2.1 Research policy and funding
8.2.2 Climate processes and studies including palaeoclimatic studies
8.2.3 Climate modelling and the climate of the future
8.2.4 Effects of climate change
8.2.5 Economic research, including evaluation of climate change and possibilities for mitigation
8.2.6 Research and development of technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to climate change
8.3 Systematic climate observations
8.3.1 Atmospheric climate observations, including measurements of the atmosphere's composition
8.3.2 The ice observation service
8.3.3 Stratospheric observations
8.3.4 Reanalyses and climate databases
8.3.5 Oceanographic climate observations
8.3.6 Terrestrial observations related to climate changes
8.3.7 Development assistance for establishment and maintenance of observation and monitoring systems
9 Education, training and public awareness
9.1 Education and postgraduate education programmes
9.2 Climate information
9.3 Danish participation in international climate activities
9.4 Public campaigns
A Greenhouse gas inventories 1990-2001
B Projections of denmark's greenhouse gas emissions and removals up to 2017
C Description of selected programmes/projects for promotion and/or financing of technology transfer to other countries
D List of current climate-related research projects
E Denmark's report on systematic climate observations for the global climate observing system (gcos)
F Literature