Pesticides in streams and subsurface drainage water within two arable catchments in Denmark: Pesticide application, concentration, transport and fate

Table 11.4.   Loss and discharge weighted concentration of 3 selected pesticides during one storm event in each quarter of the year for the upstream station in the Lillebæk catchment. The loss is calculated based on sampling during a period of 24 hour during each storm event. Tabel 11.4.   Tab og vandføringsvægtet koncentration af 3 pesticider gennem en afstrømningshændelse i hvert kvartal for den opstrøms vandløbsmålestation i Lillebæk. Tabet af pesticider er beregnet på baggrund af flere puljede enkeltprøver udtaget over en 24 timers periode. Lillebæk upstream Quarter of year Runoff Diuron Terbuthy- lazine Isoproturo n Diuron  Terbuthy- lazine Isoproturon (mm) Loss (mg) Discharge weighted concentration (ng/l) 17-18th February 2000 1 3.1 5.2 91.1 205 0.7 12.7 28.6 12-13th May 1999 2 0.7 981 2543 4.5 592 1534 2.7 19 August 1999 3 0.6 26.7 193 1.3 20 145 1.0 11-12th December 1999 4 8.1 0 775 11944 nd 42 651