Pesticides in streams and subsurface drainage water within two arable catchments in Denmark: Pesticide application, concentration, transport and fate

Table 11.5.   Loss and discharge weighted concentration of 3 selected pesticides during one storm event in each quarter of the year for the stream station in Odderbæk catchment. The loss is calculated based on sampling during a period of 24 hour during each storm event. Tabel 11.5.   Tab og vandføringsvægtet koncentration af 3 pesticider gennem en afstrømningshændelse i hvert kvartal for vandløbsstationen i Odderbæk. Tabet af pesticider er beregnet på baggrund af flere puljede enkeltprøver udtaget over en 24 timers periode. Odderbæk Quarter Runoff Bentazone    Isoproturon    Bentazone    Isoproturon (mm) Loss (mg) Discharge weighted concentration (ng/l) 28-29th February 2000 1 2.3 53.2 390 2.0 14.7 10-11th June 2000 2 0.7 2054 369 264 47.5 12-13th September 2000 3 0.8 83.3 399 9.0 43.2 3-4th December 1999 4 2.0 100.4 2192 4.5 98.0