Pesticides in streams and subsurface drainage water within two arable catchments in Denmark: Pesticide application, concentration, transport and fate

Table 11.6   Application, calculated loss and loss ration for the upstream sub-catchment in the Lillebæk, the entire Lillebæk catchment and the Odderbæk catchment during the year covering 4th quarter of 1999 to 3rd quarter of 2000. Tabel 11.5   Anvendte pesticidmængder, beregnet tab og tabsraten for det opstrøms rørlagte delopland I Lillebæk, hele Lillebæk oplandet og Odderbæk oplandet for året omfattet af 4 kvartal 1999 til 3 kvartal 2000. Pesticide application Pesticide loss Loss:applied ratio Grammes Lillebæk upstream culverted sub- catchment 119,270 27.844 0.0233% Entire Lillebæk catchment 179,647 19.506 0.0109% Odderbæk catchment 634,318 19.848 0.0031%