Background for spatial differentiation in LCA impact assessment - The EDIP2003 methodology

Authors' preface

This Technical Report focuses on site-dependency in impact assessment in LCA. A primary objective of the Technical Report has been to provide the necessary technical background for the guidance provided by the Danish EPA on these matters. At the onset of the work for this particular Technical Report, however, the literature about site-dependency in LCA was limited. This Technical Report therefore represents an exciting and challenging process of method development.

The work gained considerable international attention and inspired similar research activity elsewhere which again gave inspiration to our project. Several sets of site-dependent characterisation factors are thus toady available for a number of impact categories. These different sets take their basis in similar types of underlying spatially resolved models, though sometimes are based on slightly different definitions of the impact indicator.

Now that the methodology is available, the challenge is to start using it! The results and experience from such practical application will give fresh input to the discussion about the sense and nonsense of site-dependent impact assessment in LCA. It will advance insight in the additional information gained, reductions in spatially determined uncertainties, increase in modelling and parameter uncertainties, and hence the robustness of a site-dependent approach to the different impact categories in LCA. It may also help to settle the – at present slightly theoretical – discussion about the feasibility of site dependency with regard to potential complications in inventory analysis. After all, the proof of the pudding is in the eating of it.

José Potting

Michael Hauschild

October 2003


Version 1.0 April 2005, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency