Time Series Study of Air Pollution Health Effects in COPSAC Children


Time Series Study of Air Pollution Health Effects in COPSAC Children


Key Subjects:
air, pollution, asthma, allergic, diseases, children

Key Subjects in Danish:
luft, forurening, astma, allergi, sygdomme, børn

The aim of the study was to examine the association between daily ambient air levels of air pollution in the Copenhagen area and daily airway symptoms among small children. 411 children all of which were inheritable predisposed for development of asthma or other allergic diseases were followed from birth to the age of 18 months. In the study it was found that high pollution levels measured at measurement stations along busy roads (H.C Andersens Boulevard and Jagtvej) were associated with an increase in wheezing symptoms the following days among children living in the central Copenhagen. Among children living outside the centre in the suburbs and further away a much weaker association was found between air pollution levels and airway symptoms. The increase in symptoms was especially associated to carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, which predominantly are traffic-derived pollutants. Associations to particle levels were also found.

Abstract in Danish:
Projektet har undersøgt sammenhænge mellem daglig luftforurening i Københavnsområdet og hvæsende vejtrækning hos 411 børn fulgt fra fødslen og til 18-månedersalderen. Børnene havde alle arvelig risiko for at udvikle astma og andre allergiske sygdomme. Undersøgelsen fandt at høj luftforurening målt ved Jagtvejen og på H.C. Andersens Boulevard blev fulgt af, at flere af de børn, der boede i det centrale København (postnummer 2450 eller derunder), havde hvæsende vejtrækning i de følgende dage. Blandt børn der boede mere perifert i og omkring Københvan var der meget svagere sammenhæng mellem luftforurening og symptomer. Luftvejssymptomerne var især knyttet til kultilte og kvælstofoksider, som helt overvejende stammer fra trafik, og der var også sammenhæng med partikler.

Series title and no.:
Environmental project, 1005

Danish Environmental Protection Agency

Performing organization(s):
Institut for folkesundhedsvidenskab

Danish Environmental Protection Agency

Andersen, Zorana Jovanovic
Hermansen, Merete
Scheikel, Thomas
Hertel, Ole
Stage, Malene
Bisgaard, Hans
Loft, Steffen

Schultz Grafisk (web)



ISBN nr. Elektronic version:

ISSN nr. Printed version:



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html, gif, pdf, css

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Version 1.0 Maj 2005, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency