Establishment of a basis for administrative use of PestSurf

Figure 4.52. Comparison of flow components over four years of simulation. The period is repeated twice during the 8 years simulation.The wet period in the first two years of the simulation is followed by a dry and a normal year. Note that the total infiltration to groundwater (recharge) and the flow from the first to the second groundwater layer (recharge to layer 2) are indicated as negative while the drain flow is indicated as positive. Each point represents 30 days.

Figure 4.52. Comparison of flow components over four years of simulation. The period is repeated twice during the 8 years simulation.The wet period in the first two years of the simulation is followed by a dry and a normal year. Note that the total infiltration to groundwater (recharge) and the flow from the first to the second groundwater layer (recharge to layer 2) are indicated as negative while the drain flow is indicated as positive. Each point represents 30 days.
Figur 4.52. Sammenligning af strømningskomponenter over fire års simulering. Perioden er gentaget i 8-års-simuleringen. Den våde periode i de første to år af simuleringen følges af et tørt og et normalt år. Bemærk at den totale infiltration til grundvand (recharge) og strømningen fra første til andet grundvandsniveau (recharge to layer 2) er givet som negative mens drænflow er vist positivt. Hvert punkt repræsenterer 30 dage.


Version 1.0 December 2006, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency