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Følgevirkninger af råstofgravning under grundvandspejlet

5. Referencer

Abramowitz, M. and Stegun, I.A., 1964: Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Dover Publications, New York.

Aral, M.M. and Sturm, T.W., 1982: Ground Water Pumping from Axisymmetric Ponds. ASCE, Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Vol. HY 12, December.

Carslaw, H.S. and Jaeger, J.C.., 1959: Conduction of Heat in Solids. Oxford.

Hamilton, D.A. and Wilson, J.L., 1977: A Generic Study of Strip Mining Impacts on Groundwater Resources. Report No. 229, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Koch, D.,1986: Analytical Modeling of Groundwater Impacts by Mining. Ground Water Vol. 24 No. 2.

Kreith, F. and Romie, F.E., 1955: A study of the Thermal Diffusion Equation with Boundary Conditions corresponding to Solidification or Melting of Materials Initially at the Fusion Temperature. Proc. Phys. Soc. B, 68.

Landberg, J., 1982: Hydrogeological Consequences of Excavating Gravel Pits below the Water Table in Glaciofluvial Deposits, 1982: Publ.A 39, Chalmers University of Technology, Ph. D. Thesis.

Miljøministeriet,1980: Råstofindvinding og vandindvinding. Råstofkontorets arealdataserie nr.1.

Miljøministeriet, 1992: Projekt om konflikten mellem grusindvinding og vandindvinding. Fase 1.

Stefan, J., 1891: Ueber die Theorie der Eisbildung, insbesondere über die Eisbildung im Polarmeere. Ann. Phys. u. Chem. (Wiedemann) N.F.

Papadopulos, I.S. and Cooper, H.H., 1967: Drawdown in a Well of Large Diameter. Water Resources Research, Vol. 3, No. 1.

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