Fytoremediering af forurening med olie- og  tjæreprodukter

Summary and conclusions

Phytoremediation is an experimental biotechnology for cleaning polluted soil and groundwater. Plants mainly used are trees (poplar, willow), grasses (ryegrass) and legumes (alfalfa, Medicágo satíva). The plants change the physical, chemical and biological conditions in the soil surrounding their roots, and impact the site's water balance through their transpiration. Various organic pollutants have been shown to be eliminated from soil using plants. The mechanisms responsible range from enhanced microbial degradation to plant uptake and volatilization, and have not been identified in all cases reported. However, mathematical modelling allows to pinpoint the main route of contaminant elimination, their physico-chemical properties of the individual contaminant being the decisive parameters.

Most of the studies have been performed in the US, but work has also been done in Denmark and other European countries. Although phytoremediation is an in situ technique, not a single controlled in situ study has shown remediation starting from "contaminated" down to "clean" (meeting soil quality criteria). Apparently the technology is still younger than the time span reqired for complete remediation. This leaves an important gap of knowledge, as laboratory "controls" are not nontreated (soil has been manipulated) and, therefore, degradation in the absence of plants will be faster than in situ. On the other hand, the effect of vegetation may also be overestimated in laboratory models, as bioavailability in situ is less, due to the contaminants' age, higher sorption and uneven spatial distribution. Until results from in situ studies are available, the outcome of phytoremediation cannot be predicted with certainty.

Only a few studies target the phytoremediation of BTEX and light-chain alkanes. These compounds are not persistent in the environment and can be quickly degraded by bacteria, if oxygen supply is sufficient. Vegetation will accelerate elimination of BTEX by improving aeration, and by uptake and volatilization.

The elimination of MTBE, a quite recalcitrant compound, can be stimulated by vegetation, the major route of dissipation being plant uptake and evapotranspiration. If volatilization of MTBE is considered environmentally acceptable, this contaminant may be the most promising candidate for phytoremediation, as plants simply serve as a pump removing the contaminated water. The limitation of the technology is, of course, the maximum depth of tap roots.

In numerous projects, accelerated elimination of PAH from soil in the presence of vegetation has been shown. The elimination of the low molecular weight PAHs, which also are more biodegradable, is significantly enhanced by vegetation, while the removal of high molecular weight PAHs (e.g., benzo(a)pyrene), which tend to be bio-unavailable and less biodegradable, was only improved in a few cases.

Oil pollution in top soil is approximately reduced by 40% in two years. In a particular oil spill on surface soil, degradation of the oil residues was by bacteria living on the roots of Compositae plants.

One of the major disadvantages of phytoremediation is that it requires large time spans in the order of years. For one, establishing a vegetation cover in the field takes at least one growing season, and measurable effects should not be expected before the second year. And secondly, removal rates shown have in all cases extrapolated to several seasons for reaching soil quality criteria.

Another principal limitation of phytoremediation relates the rooting depth of plants. In practice one would choose the plant species according to the depth of the contamination, e.g., grasses and other small plants for surface soil, deep-rooting species, e.g., trees and alfalfa, for subsoil contamination. The maximum depth of effective soil decontamination presently should be considered to be about 2 m. In the future, however, water-soluble compounds, e.g., MTBE and BTEX, may be shown to be extractable by tap roots, exceding 10 m in depth.

There does not appear to be a biological "compatibility" of plant species to chemical contaminant classes. Therefore, the choice of plant for a phytoremediation project should be guided by agronomic considerations and rooting depth. All successful studies utilized locally grown crop or forestry plants, or wild plants adapted to soil and climate. In Denmark willow is the fastest growing plant, but may be limited by insufficient water supply at some sites, in which case its close relative, the poplar, should be considered. However, several successes with PAHs seem to point at alfalfa as the plant of choice.