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Technology Programme for Soil and Groundwater
Contamination 2000

3. Status for the programme

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Overview of field projects initiated
3.3 Funding

3.1 Introduction

During the past three years, the Technology Programme has primarily concentrated on remediation technologies for chlorinated solvents and oil and petrol contamination. The programme has brought us forward to several new technologies directed towards chlorinated solvents, including thermically assisted remediation and reactive permeable barriers. The programme has also yielded a low-cost method for remediation of groundwater which has been contaminated by chromium(VI).

A more detailed assessment of air sparging, modified stripping, geo-oxidation and fracturing will be available shortly. All of these methods are in the process of being tested which will be concluded within the next year.

A series of phytoremediation projects have been initiated. At present, the conclusion is that it is not possible to remediate inorganic combined contamination by means of plants. A number of phytoremediation projects to combat oil and PAH contamination have been established. The results of these will not be available until three to four years from now.

A product has been tested which was expected to be able to accelerate degradation of oil contamination. Tests demonstrated that the product had no discernible effect.

During the activity period so far, a good overview has emerged of potential remediation techniques to combat e.g. heavy-metal contamination and MTBE contamination of groundwater. Specific techniques such as vacuum-vapour extraction, thermically assisted remediation and natural attenuation have been subjected to more detailed description and assessment.

Despite several attempts, suitable methods for combined contamination have not yet been found.

3.2 Overview of field projects initiated

Below is a short outline of the methods utilised in field projects initiated in the various areas of special interest. Appendix A features a list of all projects (field projects and desk studies) initiated during the entire period (from 1996 to 1999).

Method: Area of special interest:
Air sparging
Chlorinated solvents, oil/petrol
Soil-vapour extraction
Chlorinated solvents
Modified stripping method
Chlorinated solvents
Reactive permeable barrier
Chlorinated solvents
and chromium(VI)
Vapour stripping
Chlorinated solvents
Vapour stripping
Chlorinated solvents
Natural attenuation of chlorinated solvents
Chlorinated solvents
Natural attenuation of  oil/petrol components
Degradation accelerator for oil degradation
ORC (Oxygen Release Compound)
Phyto remediation
Oil, PAH and heavy metal
Elektrodialytic remediation
Chromium, copper and arsene
Reduction of contamination from chromium(VI) to chromium(III),
Chlorinated solvents
Passive vapour extraction
Chlorinated solvents
Soil leaching
Inorganic contamination
and combined contamination
Accelerated/forced leaching
Tar components.

The results of these tests will be published on a regular basis within the next few years.

3.3 Funding

Since 1996, the annual funds allocated within the national budget have amounted to:

1996: DKK 10.0 million
1997: DKK 15.0 million
1998: DKK 19.4 million
1999: DKK 16.0 million

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