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Technology Programme for Soil and Groundwater Contamination 2000



Paradigm for budget 1

Technology project:

Enclosed documents:

Prepared by:

Audit date:
Description Recipient contribution
DKK not including VAT
Sum Support granted by the Danish EPA
DKK not including VAT
Sum Total sum
Recipient contribution
+ Danish EPA support
Consultant Contractor Consultant Contractor
Fee Disbursem. Fee Disbursem.
Detailed planning                  
- surveys                  
- borings                  
- report                  
- other                  
Total detailed project                  
Construction stage                  
- construction of ......                  
- borings......                  
- pumps....                  
- report                  
- other                  
Total construction                  
- analyses                  
- observation                  
- reports                  
- other                  
Total operation                  
- borings                  
- other                  
Total completion                  
Total for recipient Contribution
- DKK, VAT not included
Total for support from Danish EPA
- DKK, VAT not included
Total for total project
- DKK not including VAT
Total for total project
- DKK including VAT