Report from the Sub-committee on Legislation

1. The sub-committee’s composition and mandate

The Bichel Committee was appointed in July 1997. The Sub-Committee on Legislation was appointed in September 1997.

The composition of the sub-committee was as follows:
Professor Karsten Revsbech, LLD, Aarhus University, chairman
Nina Holst-Christensen, Chief of Section, Ministry of Justice
Peter Gjørtler, lawyer, Advokatfirmaet Dragsted og Helmer Nielsen (law firm)
Lisbeth Arboe Jakobsen, Principal, Ministry of Food (March 1998 – February 1999)
Morten Damkjær Nielsen, Principal, Ministry of Food (February 1999 – March 1999)

The sub-committees work on the legal consequences of phasing out the use of pesticides in agriculture has been based on the following mandate, which was laid down by the Bichel Committee's Main Committee:

"In its assessment of the legal consequences, the sub-committee shall consider the legal involved in phasing out the use of pesticides in different sectors, including the legal issues relating to the EU."

The secretariat comprised Marianne Lassen, Head of Section, Nina Herskind, Head of Section, Kaj Juhl Madsen, PhD., and Anne Marie Linderstrøm, Head of Department, all from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, and Hanne Friis Bøtte, MSc., PhD., from the Ministry of Food.

The sub-committee has obtained an expert opinion from Professor Jens Peter Christensen, LLD, on section 73 of the Danish Constitution, which concerns expropriation.

In the summer of 1998, Professor Ellen Margrethe Basse, LLD, and Lector Peter Pagh, LLD, participated in the sub-committee’s discussions concerning certain questions relating to EU law.

The sub-committee began its work in the autumn of 1997 and has held 10 meetings.

Copenhagen, March 1999
 Nina Holst-Christensen

 Morten Damkjær Nielsen

Peter Gjørtler

Karsten Revsbech