Planning and organising an environmental dialogue

9 Six other manuals on environmental dialogue

Registration Sheet
Miljønyt (Environment News)
Organising and Planning an Environmental Dialogue

Planning and Organising Environmental Dialogue is one of a series of seven manuals that are intended to help small and medium-sized enterprises to use their environmental results in their dialogue with customers, suppliers, employees and other stakeholders.

In small and medium-sized enterprises, responsibility for the company's environmental communication usually ends up with the environmental manager, who has the environmental knowledge but fewer skills within communication, particularly when it is a case of communicating technical material so that laymen can understand it and relate to it. The manuals are intended to help you – the person responsible for both the environmental aspects of your company's activities and the company's environmental communication.


The manuals and the catalogue cost DKK 50 each, incl. VAT.
If you buy all seven, the price is DKK 300, incl. VAT.
You can buy the manuals and the catalogue at
Miljøbutikken, Information og Bøger, Læderstræde 1-3,
DK-1201 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Tel. +45 33 95 40 00

"Udformning af skriftlig miljøkommunikation"

"Design of written environmental communication"

explains how a small or medium-sized enterprise can make written environmental communication relevant and readable for the recipient. The manual also contains advice on illustrations, websites, articles, environmental reports and product information.

"Miljødialog gennem pressen"

"Environmental dialogue through the press"

helps small or medium-sized enterprises achieve better cooperation with journalists on environmental matters. The manual describes the press's rules of play and explains to companies how to select their stories, gain the confidence of journalists, prepare for bad press mention and evaluate the results of the company's press work.

"Miljødialog med kollegaer"

"Environmental dialogue with colleagues"

explains how the environmental manager and the organisation in a small or medium-sized enterprise handle the internal environmental dialogue with employees and the management. The manual describes how to plan and organise the internal dialogue before, during and after an environmental project.

"Miljødialog med kunder"

"Environmental dialogue with customers"

explains how the environmental manager, in cooperation with the marketing people and sales representatives in a small or medium-sized enterprise, can improve the dialogue with customers on environmental matters and environmental management. The manual provides advice on selecting relevant customers, investigating their needs, building up credible environmental arguments and conducting the dialogue.

"Miljødialog med leverandører"

"Environmental dialogue with suppliers"

describes how to build and maintain a system for handling suppliers and developing a dialogue with them. The manual explains how to prioritise suppliers, set topics for the environmental dialogue, and assess and approve suppliers.

"Katalog over midler til miljødialog"

"Catalogue of means for environmental dialogue"

describes 34 means of communication suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises' communication of environmental messages. The means are presented in four groups: distribution of environmental information; supply of environmental information; personal communication; and gathering information about the stakeholders.


In order to ensure that the manuals on environmental dialogue meet the needs and requirements of small and medium-sized enterprises concerning usefulness, several evaluation meetings have been held at which the manuals' content, form and directions were discussed. We would like to thank the following trade organisations and companies that have participated in these workshops:

Federation of Employers for Trade, Transport and Services Horesta (Association of the Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Industry)
Association of Danish Asphalt Industries Danish Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
BASF Danmark I/S Alssund Affald
Brandt's Auto- og Industrilakering I/S Kavo
Federation of Co-operative Building Contracting Societies I/S Noveren
Danish Automobile Repairshop Association Liniebus
Colas Danmark A/S Lucent Technologies Denmark
Danish Commerce & Services Mayfair Hotel
Confederation of Danish Industries Mercedes-Benz
Danish Forest Association Merrild Kaffe
Dansk Supermarked Neptun Hotel
The Danish Chamber of Commerce PricewaterhouseCoopers
Association of Car Painters in Denmark Reno-Sam (Association of Joint-Municipal Waste Companies in Denmark)
Forenede Rengøring Sorø Academy's Forest District
FSB Malerselskab SvedaKemi
The Graphic Association of Denmark Association of Danish Woodworking Manufacturers
HJ Hansen Miljøsystemer VEGA

The following people have also been attached to the project as a monitoring group:
Charlotte Thy, Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Ulla Ringbæk, Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Palle M. Sørensen, Danish Agency for Trade and Industry
Ninna Johnsen, The Graphic Association of Denmark
Helle Fabiansen, Association of Danish Asphalt Industries
Hans Niemann, Valør & Tinge A/S

The manual has received support from the support scheme set up by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Agency for Trade and Industry to promote environmental management in small and medium-sized enterprises.

Registration Sheet

Published by:

Danish Ministry of Environment and Energy,
Danish Environmental Protection Agency,
Strandgade 29, DK-1401
Copenhagen K, Denmark
Tel. +45 32 66 01 00, fax +45 32 66 04 79,

Series title, No.:

Miljønyt (Environment News), 43

Year of publication



Planning and Organising Environmental Dialogue


Niemann, Hans; Møller-Jørgensen, Aksel; Birgitte B.; Petersen, Anette

Performing instiution(s):

Valør & Tinge A/S


How does a small or medium-sized enterprise plan and organise an environmental dialogue with its stakeholders? The manual describes three phases: prioritising the stakeholders and deciding on the dialogue themes and objectives; choosing means, preparing a time schedule and managing the design work; evaluating the dialogue in relation to the company's objectives.


companies, communication, information, marketing

Supplementary information

Published in the same series as: "Udformning af skriftlig miljøkommunikation" (Design of written environmental communication) (Miljønyt, 42), "Miljødialog gennem pressen" (Environmental dialogue through the press) (Miljønyt, 44), "Miljødialog med kollegaer" (Environmental dialogue with colleagues) (Miljønyt, 45), "Miljødialog med kunder" (Environmental dialogue with customers) (Miljønyt, 46), "Katalog over midler til miljødialog" (Catalogue of means for environmental dialogue) (Miljønyt, 47) and "Miljødialog med leverandører" (Environmental dialogue with suppliers) (in course of preparation).

Other information:

Lotte Kokfelt in cooperation with Valør & Tinge A/S
Illustrations: Gitte Helle

Edition closed:

September 1999

Number of pages:

#                          Format: A4

Number printed



87-7909-589-9 ISSN: 0905-5991


Phønix-Trykkeriet A/S Århus


DKK 50, incl. VAT (DKK 300 for all 7 publications)

Available from:

Miljøbutikken, tel. +45 33 95 40 00,
fax + 45 33 92 76 90, e-mail

May be quoted with indication of source

This manual has been printed at Phønix-Trykkeriet A/S and carries the Nordic environmental Swan eco-label. Licence No. 241 006. Phønix-Trykkeriet A/S has environmental certification in accordance with ISO 14001 and is registered under the European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme EMAS.

Miljønyt (Environment News)

No. 1:

"Badevandskort" (Bathing Water Map) 1990

No. 2:

"Danske vandplanter" (Danish Aquatic Plants)

No. 3:

"Badevandskort" (Bathing Water Map) 1991

No. 4:

"Ikke-kemisk ukrudtsbekæmpelse i grønne områder" (Non-chemical Weed Control in Green Areas)

No. 5:

"Badevandskort" (Bathing Water Map) 1992

No. 6:

"Håndbog I genanvendelse" (Recycling Manual)

No. 7:

"Badevandskort" (Bathing Water Map) 1993

No. 8:

"Kemiske afrensningsprocesser" (Chemical Cleaning Processes)

No. 9:

"Badevandskort" (Bathing Water Map) 1994

No. 10:

"Vandløbene" (Danish Watercourses)

No. 11:

Danish Watercourses*

No. 12:

"Vækstens konsekvenser" (The Consequences of Growth)

No. 13:

"Vandløbene" (Danish Watercourses) – 2nd edition

No. 14:

"Badevandskort" (Bathing Water Map) 1995

No. 15:

"Håndbog om miljø og medarbejderinddragelse" (Manual on Environment and Involvement of Employees)

No. 16:

"Medarbejderdeltagelse i forebyggende miljøarbejde – en håndbog" (Employee Participation in Preventive Environment Work – a Manual)

No. 17:

Environmental Administration in Denmark*

No. 18:

Administración Medioambiental en Dinamarca

No. 18:

"Badevandskort" (Bathing Water Map) 1996

No. 20:

"Miljøindikatorer – en genvej til miljøforbedringer i kommunerne" (Environmental Indicators – A shortcut to Environmental Improvements in the Municipalities)

No. 21:

Los Arroyos – 2a edición

No. 22:

"Markedsorienteret miljøkommunikation" (Market-oriented Environmental Communication)

No. 23:

"Badevandskort" (Bathing Water Map) 1997

No. 24:

"Ørreden som miljøindikator" (Trout as an Environmental Indicator)

No. 25:

"Alternative transportløsninger i landdistrikterne. – 2. udg." (Alternative Transport Solutions in Rural Districts – 2nd ed.)

No. 26:

"Trafik og miljø i kommuner – ny inspiration" (Traffic and Environment in Municipalities – New Inspiration)

No. 27:

"Badevandskort" (Bathing Water Map) 1998

No. 28:

"Sørestaurering i Danmark" (Lake Restoration in Denmark)

No. 29:

"Miljøbevidst design af grafiske produkter" (Environmentally Aware Design of Graphic Products)

No. 30:

"Begrænsing af trafikstøj" (Reducing Traffic Noise)

No. 31:

"Forsigtighedsprincippet" (Precautionary Principle)

No. 32:

CO2-virkemidler på transportområdet – et samarbejde med Svendborg kommune" (CO2 Instruments in the Transport Sector – A Cooperation Project with Svendborg Municipality)

No. 33:

Ecosystem Vulnerability to Climate Change in Greenland and the Faroe Islands*

No. 34:

"Miljøkapacitet som grundlag for byplanlægning – Generel del" (Environmental Capacity as a Basis for Town Planning – General Part)

No. 35:

Precautionary Principle*

No. 36:

"Badevandskort" (Bathing Water Map) 1999

No. 37:

"På rette vej" (On the Right Path)

No. 38:

"Borgernes miljørettigheder" (Citizens' Rights)

No. 39:

"Miljø og arbejdsmiljø" (Environment and Health & Safety)

No. 40:

"Dansk miljøeksport af produkter og rådgivningsydelser til vandsektoren" (Danish Environmental Export of Products and Consultancy Services within the Water Sector)

No. 41:

Danish Environmental Export of Products and Consultancy Services within the Water Sector*

No. 42:

"Udformning af skriftlig miljøkommunikation" (Design of Written Environmental Communication)

No. 43:

"Tilrettelæggelse af miljødialog" (Planning and Organising Environmental Dialogue)*

No. 44:

"Miljødialog gennem pressen" (Environmental Dialogue through the Press)

No. 45:

"Miljødialog med kollegaer" (Environmental Dialogue with Colleagues)

No. 46:

"Miljødialog med kunder" (Environmental Dialogue with Customers)

No. 47:

"Katalog over midler til miljødialog" (Catalogue of Means for Environmental Dialogue)

* Available in English

Organising and Planning an Environmental Dialogue

How does a small or medium-sized enterprise plan and organise an environmental dialogue with its stakeholders? The manual describes three phases: prioritising the stakeholders and deciding on the dialogue themes and objectives; choosing means, preparing a time schedule and managing the design work; evaluating the dialogue in relation to the company's objectives.

Photo caption:
A selection of brooches

ISSN 0905-5991
ISBN 87-7909-589-9
Price: DKK 50 (incl. 25% VAT)
Available from:
Læderstræde 1-3
DK-1201 Copenhagen K
Tel. +45 33 95 40 00, e-mail