Water Prices in CEE and CIS Countries. Volume II: Case Studies

Appendix 13.4:
List of Persons Met

Name of Organisation Person(s) interviewed
Political Parties & City Council
Freedom Union, UW Mr Andrzej Radke
Social Democracy of Poland, SLD Mr Antoni Szczucinski
Soldarity Electoral Action, AWS
The City Council Mr Tomasz Kayser
    Mr. Slawomir Jerzyrski
The Local Administration
The Municipal Property Department, Poznan Municipality Mr Jerzy Kusnierek,
Ms Magdalena Wesolowska
The Department of Health and Social Affairs. Poznan Municipality Ms Alicja Szczesniak
The Tenants Department of City of Poznan Ms Aleksandra Konieczna
The Water Industry    
The Management Board of PWiK Mr Pawel Chudzinski
The Department of Organisation, PWiK Ms Mustyna WisnierskJdozak
Economist Department of PWiK Ms Barbare UrbanksaKonik
NGOs, & Consumer Organisations
The Poznan Group for Environmental Friendly Transportation Mr Piotr Matczak
Poznan Housing Co-Operative Mr Krzysztof Winiarz
The Council of the Housing District of Osiedla Rusa Mr Wojciech Gaczek
The Office for Competition and Consumer Protection (Anti-Monopoly Office) Mr Edward Stawicki
Institute of Sociology, Poznan University Mr Krzysztof Podemski
Institute of Physical Geography, Poznan University Mr Alfred Kaniecki
Water Treatment Technologies Department, Poznan University Mr Jacek Nawrorki