A shared future - balanced development


"A shared future – balanced development" is Denmark’s national strategy for sustainable development.

Denmark must be among the best countries in the world in which to work, reside and live. More welfare and expansion of the welfare society must provide all people with good opportunities for development. Denmark must be among the best at protecting the  environment. Future generations should have at least as favourable opportunities for living in clean and healthy surroundings as we have at present.

Denmark is a society that meets economic, environmental and social challenges. We must ensure sound economic growth, socially balanced development and protection of nature and the environment and human health. The Danish strategy for sustainable development is founded on eight objectives and principles:

  1. The welfare society must be developed and economic growth decoupled from environmental impacts

  2. There must be a safe and healthy environment for everyone, and we must maintain a high level of protection

  3. We must secure a high degree of bio-diversity and protect ecosystems

  4. Resources must be used more efficiently

  5. We must take action at an international level

  6. Environmental concerns must be taken into account in all sectors

  7. The market must support sustainable development

  8. Sustainable development is a shared responsibility, and we must measure progress

Sustainable development presents national and global challenges. The strategy will form part of Denmark's contribution to the World Summit on Sustainable Development to be held in South Africa in August-September 2002. The summit will take place during the Danish EU Presidency, presenting us with a unique opportunity to place sustainable development at the top of the international agenda. Denmark will work for the creation of a new global deal on sustainable development.This deal should combine the goals of better access to markets and increased development assistance globally to developing countries with the requirements of good governance and an improved environment. Elements of such a deal could be that industrialised countries undertake to decouple economic growth from environmental impact and support developing countries in realising growth and reducing poverty.

Sustainable development is a long-term process. Therefore the strategy has a 20-year time frame in which objectives and visions are presented for each area of activity.

Challenges, objectives and initiatives for the coming years are presented in this strategy. Our decisions must be based on the best possible knowledge base, so that objectives are reached in the most cost-effective way. Furthermore, we must use indicators to help us to follow continuously progress made in achieving sustainable development in Denmark.

The visions and objectives of the strategy will be followed up by concrete initiatives within the sectors and areas concerned.

We all have a shared responsibility to ensure sustainable development. It is important that everyone – the Danish Government, enterprises, local and regionalauthorities, voluntary organisations and the public participate in the implementation of the strategy.

Together we must create a shared future – balanced development.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen,
Prime Minister of Denmark