A shared future - balanced development

17. Implementation, monitoring of progress and follow-up

This is Denmark's National Strategy for Sustainable Development. Implementation of the Strategy calls for active interplay and dialogue between a wide range of players. To achieve the objectives in this Strategy, play ers in the various sectors, as well as organisations and citizens, must take action at national and local levels. A system of indicators will contribute to monitoring progress in achieving the objectives of the Strategy.

Implementation - a common responsibility

The Strategy forms the starting point for ongoing dialogue on objectives and means for achieving sustainable development.The Strategy will also be the signal for launching concrete initiatives.The Strategy has a long-term as well as a crosssectoral perspective:The Strategy is a combined framework for Denmark's national initiatives for sustainable development. It provides the framework for considerations in connection with the formulation and implementation of future strategies and action plans.

The visions and objectives of the Strategy will be followed up by action plans, programmes and concrete initiatives within the sectors and areas concerned. Action plans include the Action Plan on the Aquatic Environment III, an action plan for biodiversity, a strategy regarding relationships between environmental factors and health, and a report on green market economy.

However, formulating action plans and strategies is not enough.The strategies must be implemented. The players in the individual sectors must assume responsibility, promote the strategy objectives and take action within their own areas.The objectives of decoupling economic growth from environmental impacts, integrating environmental considerations into sectors and promoting sustainable development are important and should be taken into account in all sector work.

Regular dialogue and public participation are crucial to the implementation of the Strategy objectives. Dialogue on the framework, objectives, instruments and cross-sectoral themes of the Strategy is necessary to enable development of relevant solutions and ensure they are firmly embedded in society. Active participation of players at all levels in society is necessary.

Many people are already making considerable efforts to promote sustainable development and could play an important role when it comes to implementing the strategy. This applies to citizens, green organisations, trade associations, and other interest groups. NGOs are encouraged to participate in implementing the Strategy at local, regional and national levels.

Monitoring and follow-up
- from objectives to results

Sustainable development is a long-term process with long-term objectives. It is necessary to monitor closely whether developments are moving forward, and that results are being achieved.Therefore, the Government will continuously monitor and report on the progress made in implementing the Strategy and achieving results that point in the direction of sustainable development.This will present an opportunity to take further initiatives, if required, and make adjustments to counteract any negative developments.

Indicators will be a basis for reporting on progress towards sustainable development. In connection with the Strategy, a set of indicators have been developed that can follow developments in relation to key objectives and activities in the Strategy for Sustainable Development.

The set of indicators comprises a small number of overall key indicators and a set of indicators for each of the targets of the Strategy.The indicators focus on developments and results in relation to the Strategy objectives for sustainable development.

The indicators will be continuously developed in the light of international work on indicators for sustainable development.The indicators will be presented every year on a special website for sustainable development.

Against the background of reports on the results achieved in implementing the Strategy, the Government will take steps to assess and adjust the National Strategy for Sustainable Development. The strategy will be adjusted on a regular basis, and the need for new targets will be assessed.