Industrial odour control


The purpose of this guideline is to provide the basis for uniform consideration of complaint and approval cases relating to odour problems in the ambient air.


The guideline aim at furnishing enterprises as well as permitting and supervisory authorities with a framework for measurement, evaluation, prevention and measures against odour nuisances from industries. The guideline is intended for dealing with enterprises emitting large quantities of odorants (see section 2). In general agricultural activities and animal farming, including fur farms, in rural areas are however, not covered by the guideline. Also, the health aspects of odorants are not included.

Complicating factors

The extent of odour nuisances depends on complex interrelationships between odour intensity, frequency and duration, but other factors are also involved. We know for instance that people working in or living close to an odour emitting plant feel less annoyed by the smell than other people. Moreover, smell that gives a pleasant immediate impression, may be perceived as a nuisance if occurring frequently. Therefore, odour nuisances cannot be predicted precisely, not even in well-defined emission conditions and meteorological situations.

Dispersion calculation model

The dispersion calculation model described below is based on guidelines from the Danish EPA No. 7/1974 and No. 3/1976, and on experience gained in Denmark and abroad in connection with dimensioning of emission heights for odorous compounds.


Great uncertainty is involved in the measurement of odour, in odorant dispersion and acceptability. Moreover, the costs of odour control in certain types of industries may be considerable. The approval and supervision authorities must, therefore, in all concrete cases decide whether the limit value specified here shall be strengthened or lightened, depending on the character of the smell and the surroundings.


The guiding limit is laid down on the basis of practical experience gained so far in the Danish EPA in concrete decisions where corresponding limits were used with acceptable conditions for the enterprise involved and the local residents.