| Front page | | Contents | | Previous
An introduction to Life-Cycle Thinking and Management
General literature concerning cleaner products and life-cyclebased
environmental initiatives
| Kirsten Schmidt, m.fl.: Manual on Product-oriented Environmental Work. Environmental
News No 64, Danish EPA 2002. (Gives an introduction to a product-orientated and
life-cycle-based environmental initiative along the same lines as this booklet). |
| Livscykluscheck (LCC) - Stimulering af mindre virksomheders interesse for arbejdet med
renere produkter. Teknologisk Information Center, 2002 (See www.tic.dk - clarification of
needs, life-cycle check and about forty fact sheets). |
| Intensified Product-oriented Environmental Initiative. Environmental Project No. 460,
1999. |
| Arne Remmen: Renere produkter - nye værktøjer, aktører og relationer. Evaluation of
completed projects under the Danish Ministry of Environment's Cleaner Technology Action
Plan 1993-97. Orientering nr.12, Danish EPA, Ministry of Environment and Energy, 2000. |
A) Environmental and life-cycle assessment:
| Torben Lenau, m.fl.: Miljørigtig udvikling i produktfamilier - en håndbog. Miljønyt
Nr. 67, 2002. (Based on an environmental assessment, the most significant improvement
possibilities are listed for related product groups). |
| Kirsten Pommer, m.fl.: Håndbog i miljøvurdering af produkter - en enkel metode,
Miljønyt, nr. 58, Danish EPA 2001. (A manual for a simplified environmental assessment). |
| DS-håndbog 126. Livscyklusvurderinger - en kommenteret oversættelse af ISO 14040 til
14043. Dansk Standard, 2001. (A presentation and discusssion of LCA standards). |
| Jesper Olesen, m.fl.: Miljørigtig konstruktion. UMIP publikation, Danish EPA and the
Confederation of Danish Industries, 1996. (Discusses how the designer / engineer can
integrate environmental considerations into product development). |
| Henrik Wenzel, m.fl.: Miljøvurdering af produkter. UMIP publikation, Danish EPA and the
Confederation of Danish Industries, 1996. |
| Astrup Jensen et. al.: Life-cycle Assessment - a guide to approaches, experiences and
information sources. European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, 1997 |
| Pablo Frankl & Frieder Rubik: Lifecycle Assessment in Industry and Enterprise.
Adoption Patterns, Applications and Implications. Springer Verlag, 2000. (Discusses
European enterprises' experiences with lifecycle assessments). Further information and
sources of inspiration |
B) Eco-design / design for the environment:
| Han Brezet & Carolien van Hemel: ECODESIGN - A promising approach to sustainable
production and consumption. UNEP 1997. (Based on Dutch experience, this handbook gives an
introduction to ecodesign). |
| Ursula Tischner, et.al.,: How to do EcoDesign? A Guide for environmentally and
economically sound Design.Verlag form praxis, 2000. (Contains a comprehensive discussion
of a number of Eco-design tools). |
| Herman Meinders: Point of no return. Phillips EcoDesign guidelines. Phillips, 1997.
(Phillip's suggestions regarding integration of environment into design and product
development). |
| Sustainable Solution Design Association: A Handbook on the Environment for the Textil
and Fashion Industry 2002. (How the environment may be taken into consideration in textile
design). |
| Eco-Conscious Design of Electrical and Electronic Equipment. (Danish CD-rom about
eco-design and simple environmental assessment of electronic products). |
C) Environmental communication and product chain cooperation
| Håndbog i miljødialog.The Confederation of Danish Industries, 2001. (A brief
introduction to how an enterprise selects interests, areas, goals and means for
environmental dialogue. The subjects are handled in greater depth in a series of booklets
listed below). |
| Hans Niemann, m.fl.: Planning and Organising an Environmental Dialogue. Environmental
News, No. 63, The Danish Agency for Trade and Industry & the Danish EPA, 2001. |
| Hans Niemann, m.fl.: Miljødialog med kunder. Miljønyt nr. 46, the Danish Agency for
Trade and Industry & the Danish EPA, 2000. |
| Anette Petersen, m.fl.: Miljødialog med leverandører. Miljønyt nr. 48, the Danish
Agency for Trade and Industry & the Danish EPA, 2000. |
The following booklets are also included in the same series. (All booklets are
available on the internet: www.mst.dk)
| Udformning af skriftlig miljøkommunikation, Miljønyt nr. 42, 2000. |
| Miljødialog gennem pressen, Miljønyt nr. 44, 2000. |
| Miljødialog med kollegaer, Miljønyt nr. 45, 2000. |
| Katalog over midler til miljødialog, Miljønyt nr. 47, 2000. |
The following reports regarding product chain cooperation and the environment will be
| Heidi Stranddorf, m.fl. Miljøledelse i produktkæder. Danish EPA, 2002 (A good
description of enterprise examples). |
| Kirsten Schmidt, m.fl.: Miljøledelse i produktkæder - supplerende eksempler med fokus
på miljømærker og internationale forhold. Danish EPA, 2002. |
All publications by Danish EPA (the Ministry of the Environment) may be found at www.mst.dk
Enviromental news
Nr. 25: |
Alternative transportløsninger i landdistrikterne. - 2. udg. |
Nr. 26: |
Trafik og miljø i kommuner - ny inspiration |
Nr. 27: |
Badevandskort 1998 |
Nr. 28: |
Sørestaurering i Danmark |
Nr. 29: |
Miljøbevidst design af grafiske produkter |
Nr. 30: |
Begrænsning af trafikstøj |
Nr. 31: |
Forsigtighedsprincippet |
Nr. 32: |
CO2-virkemidler på transportområdet - et samarbejdsprojekt
med Svendborg kommune |
Nr. 33: |
Ecosystem Vulnerability to Climate Change in Greenland and
the Faroe Islands |
Nr. 34: |
Miljøkapacitet som grundlag for byplanlægning - Generel del |
Nr. 35: |
Precautionary Principle |
Nr. 36: |
Badevandskort 1999 |
Nr. 37: |
På rette vej |
Nr. 38: |
Borgernes miljørettigheder |
Nr. 39: |
Miljø og arbejdsmiljø |
Nr. 40: |
Dansk miljøeksport af produkter og rådgivningsydelser til
vandsektoren 1998 |
Nr. 41: |
Danish Environmental Exports of Products and Consultancy
Services Within the Water Sector 1999 |
Nr. 42: |
Udformning af skriftlig miljøkommunikation |
Nr. 43: |
Tilrettelæggelse af miljødialog |
Nr. 44: |
Miljødialog gennem pressen |
Nr. 45: |
Miljødialog med kollegaer |
Nr. 46: |
Miljødialog med kunder |
Nr. 47: |
Katalog over midler til miljødialog |
Nr. 48: |
Miljødialog med leverandører |
Nr. 49: |
Badevandskort 2000 |
Nr. 50: |
Vejen til bedre miljø ved produktion af tekstiler |
Nr. 51: |
Kriterier for prioritering af trafikstøjbekæmpelse |
Nr. 52: |
Håndbog til kommunerne om eksport af elektronisk affald |
Nr. 53: |
Håndbog i produktorienteret miljøarbejde |
Nr. 54: |
Alternatives to Methyl Bromide; Integrated Pest Management in
Danish flour mills |
Nr. 55: |
Alternatives to Methyl Bromide; IMP in three typical danish
flour mills |
Nr. 56: |
Håndbog om trykimprægneret træ og mulige alternativer |
Nr. 57: |
Evaluering af miljøtrafikuge 2000 |
Nr. 58: |
Håndbog i miljøvurdering af produkter |
Nr. 59: |
Miljøledelse - katalog over 66 projekter |
Nr. 60: |
Dansk miljøeksport af produkter og rådgivningsydelser
indenfor affaldssektoren i 1999 |
Nr. 61: |
Danish Environmental Exports of Products and Consultancy
Services within the Waste sector in 1999 |
Nr. 62: |
Miljøstyring og miljørevision i danske virksomheder |
Nr. 63: |
Planning and organising an environmental dialogue |
Nr. 64: |
Manual on Product-Oriented Environmental Work |
Nr. 65: |
Renere produkte |
Did you know:
| that more than 700 Danish enterprises have a certified environmental
management system that is consistent with the ISO 14001 standard or the European EMAS
| that environmentally certified enterprises are increasingly taking a
cradle-to-grave approach to their products as part of their preventive initiatives
concerning environmental issues
| that the detergent Bluecare, that has the Swan label, 12-doubled its
market share after a test showed that it was the cheapest, best and most environmentally
friendly detergent
| that more than 90% of fridges sold in Denmark today have the energy
labels Class A and Class B a twofold increase compared to
sales five years ago
| that good design = longevity of a product = better environment
| that at present environmental labelling criteria exist for 68 product
groups in accordance with the Nordic Swan label or the European Flower label
| that 51 procurement guidelines have been published for public-sector and
privatesector procurement officers, and that procurement officers from within the public
sector annually spend a total of DKK 140bn.
| that there is a list of 60 substances that the environmental authorities
want to phase out the use of as soon as possible
| that consultancies can establish how a product affects the environment
for DKK 20- 30,000.00
| that as much as 66% of the load lorries are driving around
with is air. This means that huge environmental improvements can be achieved
by optimising transport capacity and logistics plans
| that a product is already made more environmentally friendly, if it is
easier to repair
| that more than 80% of a new car can be recycled, and that an increasing
number of the big car manufacturers require that their suppliers introduce certified
environmental management
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