Evaluation of Alternatives for Compounds under Risk Assessment in the EU, Bisphenol A


The present report is the result of a project funded by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (Danish EPA), Programme for Cleaner Products etc., 2002, which was initiated in September 2002. The report contains a compilation of data describing the use of bisphenol A and possible alternatives in coated food and beverage containers, polycarbonates, thermographic printing, toners and printing inks and an assessment of the potential hazards of the alternative substances to the environment and human health.

CETOX (Centre for Integrated Environment and Toxicology) which is a "centre without walls" between DHI Water & Environment (DHI) and Danish Toxicology Center (DTC) prepared the report.

The project was followed by an advisory group, which held two meetings during the project period. The advisory group was composed of the following members:

Lise Emmy Møller
(Chairman, Sept. 02 – Jan. 03 )
Danish EPA
Shima Dobel
(Chairman, Jan. 03 – Dec. 03 )
Danish EPA
Lars Blom Plastindustrien i Danmark [The Plastic Industry in Denmark]
Anette Harbo Foreningen for Danmarks Farve- og Lakindustri [The Trade Organisation of the Danish Paint & Lacquer Industries]
Rolando Mazzone Glud & Marstrand A/S
Birthe W. Oldenborg P. Brøste A/S
Charlotte H. Pratt CETOX, DTC
Allan Vorup CETOX, DTC
Christine Skak CETOX, DTC
Christian Helweg CETOX, DHI
Torben Madsen CETOX, DHI
Lise M. Møller CETOX, DHI

We thank the members of the steering committee for their contribution and co-operation during the project.

Hørsholm, 18 December 2003

Lise Møller, CETOX


Version 1.0 March 2004, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency