Time Series Study of Air Pollution Health Effects in COPSAC Children

Appendix B

Influenza Epidemics Variable

Influenza Epidemics is often an important confounder in time series studies of air pollution effects on respiratory disease (hospital admissions, deaths, etc.). Influenza epidemics variable used in this study was defined as a percentage of physician visits due to influenza over total of physician visits in the whole Denmark. Influenza variable is described in Table B.1 and Figure B.1. Influenza was not a significant confounder in our study.

Table B.1: Influenza Epidemic

  Study Period (02.08.1998-29.06.2003)
n = 1.793
Mean SD n Median Range
Influenza Epidemics (%) 1.4 ± 1.7 1.566 1.0 0 - 9.5

Figure b.1: Influenza epidemics as a percentage of total physician visits during the study period (02.08.1998 – 29.06.2003)

Figure b.1: Influenza epidemics as a percentage of total physician visits during the study period (02.08.1998 – 29.06.2003)


Version 1.0 Maj 2005, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency