Time Series Study of Air Pollution Health Effects in COPSAC Children

Appendix D

Effect of Temperature and Time in GAM Model

Figure D.1: Temperature effect on Respiratory symptoms modeled with smoothing spline, 5 degres of freedom, GAM model (Section 3.1)

Figure D.1: Temperature effect on Respiratory symptoms modeled with smoothing spline, 5 degres of freedom, GAM model (Section 3.1)

Figure D.2: Effect of real time on the Respiratory symptoms modeled with smoothing spline, 7 degrees of freedom, GAM model (Section 3.1)

Figure D.2: Effect of real time on the Respiratory symptoms modeled with smoothing spline, 7 degrees of freedom, GAM model (Section 3.1)


Version 1.0 Maj 2005, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency