Fuel use and emissions from non-road machinery in Denmark from 1985-2004 - and projections from 2005-2030

Annex 6 Uncertainty calculation sheets for fuel use and emissions in 2004

  Gas Year t emission Activity data uncertainty Emission factor uncertainty Combined uncertainty Combined uncertainty as % of total national emissions in year t
    Input data Input data Input data    
    Fuel TJ % % % %
Agriculture Fuel 13750 12 5 13 5.696
Forestry Fuel 237 15 5 16 0.117
Industry (constr. machinery. fork lifts) Fuel 11339 17 5 18 6.401
Industry (other) Fuel 1123 21 5 21 0.746
Household and gardening Fuel 4078 17 5 18 2.302
Boats Fuel 1406 21 5 21 0.934
Total Fuel 31932       80.169
  Overall uncertainty in the year (%): 8.954  

  Gas Year t emission Activity data uncertainty Emission factor uncertainty Combined uncertainty Combined uncertainty as % of total national emissions in year t
    Input data Input data Input data    
    tons SO2 % % % %
Agriculture SO2 315 12 25 27.839 12.786
Forestry SO2 4 15 25 29.155 0.166
Industry (construction machinery. fork lifts) SO2 241 17 25 30.414 10.654
Industry (other) SO2 23 21 25 32.404 1.074
Household and gardening SO2 9 17 25 30.414 0.412
Boats SO2 95 21 25 32.404 4.473
Total SO2 687       298.350
  Overall uncertainty in the year (%): 17.273  

  Gas Year t emission Activity data uncertainty Emission factor uncertainty Combined uncertainty Combined uncertainty as % of total national emissions in year t
    Input data Input data Input data    
    tons NOx % % % %
Agriculture NOx 11837 12 25 27.839 13.689
Forestry NOx 135 15 25 29.155 0.163
Industry (construction machinery. fork lifts) NOx 9899 17 25 30.414 12.506
Industry (other) NOx 845 21 25 32.404 1.138
Household and gardening NOx 317 17 25 30.414 0.401
Boats NOx 1040 21 25 32.404 1.400
Total NOx 24073       347.227
  Overall uncertainty in the year (%): 18.634  

  Gas Year t emission Activity data uncertainty Emission factor uncertainty Combined uncertainty Combined uncertainty as % of total national emissions in year t
    Input data Input data Input data    
    tons NMVOC % % % %
Agriculture NMVOC 1667 12 25 27.839 3.370
Forestry NMVOC 506 15 25 29.155 1.072
Industry (construction ma4chinery. fork lifts) NMVOC 1295 17 25 30.414 2.860
Industry (other) NMVOC 381 21 25 32.404 0.895
Household and gardening NMVOC 8731 17 25 30.414 19.283
Boats NMVOC 1191 21 25 32.404 2.801
Total NMVOC 13771       401.191
  Overall uncertainty in the year (%): 20.030  

  Gas Year t emission Activity data uncertainty Emission factor uncertainty Combined uncertainty Combined uncertainty as % of total national emissions in year t
    Input data Input data Input data    
    tons CH4 % % % %
Agriculture CH4 62 12 25 27.839 4.045
Forestry CH4 4 15 25 29.155 0.292
Industry (construction machinery. fork lifts) CH4 27 17 25 30.414 1.901
Industry (other) CH4 19 21 25 32.404 1.457
Household and gardening CH4 290 17 25 30.414 20.652
Boats CH4 25 21 25 32.404 1.884
Total CH4 427       452.258
  Overall uncertainty in the year (%): 21.266  

  Gas Year t emission Activity data uncertainty Emission factor uncertainty Combined uncertainty Combined uncertainty as % of total national emissions in year t
    Input data Input data Input data    
    tons CO % % % %
Agriculture CO 15042 12 25 27.839 2.890
Forestry CO 1291 15 25 29.155 0.260
Industry (construction machinery. fork lifts) CO 4991 17 25 30.414 1.048
Industry (other) CO 2609 21 25 32.404 0.584
Household and gardening CO 114073 17 25 30.414 23.948
Boats CO 6865 21 25 32.404 1.535
Total CO 144870       585.737
  Overall uncertainty in the year (%): 24.202  

  Gas Year t emission Activity data uncertainty Emission factor uncertainty Combined uncertainty Combined uncertainty as % of total national emissions in year t
    Input data Input data Input data    
    ktons CO2 % % % %
Agriculture CO2 1017 12 5 13.229 5.730
Forestry CO2 17 15 5 15.811 0.117
Industry (construction machinery. fork lifts) CO2 829 17 5 18.028 6.368
Industry (other) CO2 83 21 5 21.213 0.749
Household and gardening CO2 298 17 5 18.028 2.285
Boats CO2 104 21 5 21.213 0.936
Total CO2 2348       80.055
  Overall uncertainty in the year (%): 8.947  

  Gas Year t emission Activity data uncertainty Emission factor uncertainty Combined uncertainty Combined uncertainty as % of total national emissions in year t
    Input data Input data Input data    
    tons N2O % % % %
Agriculture N2O 42 12 500 500.150 236.678
Forestry N2O 1 15 500 500.225 3.020
Industry (construction machinery. fork lifts) N2O 35 17 500 500.300 197.197
Industry (other) N2O 3 21 500 500.425 17.692
Household and gardening N2O 5 17 500 500.300 26.651
Boats N2O 3 21 500 500.425 18.999
Total N2O 90       96296.739
  Overall uncertainty in the year (%): 310.317  

  Gas Year t emission Activity data uncertainty Emission factor uncertainty Combined uncertainty Combined uncertainty as % of total national emissions in year t
    Input data Input data Input data    
    tons NH3 % % % %
Agriculture NH3 3 12 500 500.150 245.513
Forestry NH3 0 15 500 500.225 3.220
Industry (construction machinery. fork lifts) NH3 2 17 500 500.300 184.140
Industry (other) NH3 0 21 500 500.425 16.677
Household and gardening NH3 0 17 500 500.300 32.088
Boats NH3 0 21 500 500.425 18.597
Total NH3 6       95848.229
  Overall uncertainty in the year (%): 309.594  

  Gas Year t emission Activity data uncertainty Emission factor uncertainty Combined uncertainty Combined uncertainty as % of total national emissions in year t
    Input data Input data Input data    
    tons TSP % % % %
Agriculture TSP 998 12 25 27.839 12.137
Forestry TSP 13 15 25 29.155 0.166
Industry (construction machinery. fork lifts) TSP 918 17 25 30.414 12.194
Industry (other) TSP 119 21 25 32.404 1.687
Household and gardening TSP 87 17 25 30.414 1.158
Boats TSP 154 21 25 32.404 2.179
Total TSP 2288       304.981
  Overall uncertainty in the year (%): 17.464  


Version 1.0 June 2006, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency