Establishment of a basis for administrative use of PestSurf

Table 4.2. Summary of results regarding the concentration of pesticide in water from the 98 simulations. Comparable scenarios are highligted with the same colour.
Tabel 4.2. Sammenstilling af resultater af pesticidkoncentration i vand fra de 98 beregninger. Sammenlignelige scenarier er mærket med samme farve.

  Direct spray Drift, incl. the focus buffer zone FOCUS SW PestSurf
      D3-ditch D4 pond D4 stream Sandy pond Sandy stream Sandy loam pond Sandy Loam stream
Actual conc in water   Ditch Stream Pond             max Max 500-1700 m
    µg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l
alphacypermetrin   5 0.138 0.093 0.041 0.091 0.003 0.079 0.002 0.409 0.005 1.355 0.569
Bentazon   500.0 13.797 9.281 4.053 9.947 2.172 8.25 3.078 39.267 1.493 105.741 51.648
Bromoxynil Spring app 40.0 1.104 0.742 0.324 0.759 0.026 0.603 0.311 2.570 0.083 6.000 3.132
Bromoxynil Autumn app 60.0 1.656 1.114 0.486 1.143 0.039 0.987 0.462 4.609 0.471 17.805 7.735
Fluazinam   58.3 0.839 0.608 0.291 0.614 0.083 0.497 5.883 4.492 0.272 26.398* 18.916
Malathion   293.3 6.262 4.556 2.194 4.612 0.187 3.922 0.188 24.432 0.655 81.412 34.979
Metamitron   233.3 4.981 3.624 1.745 3.67 0.149 3.047 0.689 16.582 0.355 44.935 21.612
pendimethalin Spring app 133.3 3.679 2.475 1.081 2.511 0.087 2.072 0.145 10.248 0.165 152.970 13.887
pendimethalin Autumn app 533.3 14.716 9.900 4.323 10.075 0.216 8.654 7.170 44.349 1.514 337.048 67.482
Propiconazol   41.7 1.15 0.773 0.338 0.792 0.030 0.657 0.055 3.420 0.171 11.786 5.016
Prosulfocarb   800.0 22.074 14.850 6.485 15.231 0.524 13.139 4.036 66.867 4.170 234.524 101.722
Rimsulfuron   10.0 0.213 0.155 0.075 0.159 0.012 0.132 0.032 0.747 0.022 2.348 1.009
Terbutylazin   166.7 3.558 2.589 1.247 2.62 0.903 2.277 2.990 12.315 1.194 32.148 15.546
Tribenuron   5.0 0.138 0.093 0.041 0.095 0.003 0.076 0.289 0.321 0.010 0.747 0.390

* The value is obtained in a tributary. The maximum value in the main stream is 19.551 µg/l.


Version 1.0 December 2006, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency