Establishment of a basis for administrative use of PestSurf

Table 4.6. Comparison between concentrations generated before and after change in code. The yellow colur indicate the combinations, where the primary source creating the highest concentration has changed from groundwater or drainage contributions to drift. The ratio between the maximum concentrations generated in the second and the first simulation is indicated in the table.
Tabel 4.6. Sammenligning mellem koncentrationer genereret før og efter ændringen I modelkode. Den gule farve viser de kombinationer, hvor den primære årsag til høje koncentrationer er ændret fra grundvandstilførsel til drift. Forholdet mellem maximums-koncentrationerne genereret i anden og første simulering er vist i tabellen.

  sandy pond   sandy stream   sandy loam pond   sandy loam stream  
  First simulation Second simulation ratio First simulation Second simulation  ratio First simulation Second simulation  Ratio First simulation Second simulation  ratio
alphacypermetrin 0.00021 0.002 10.1 0.00045 0.409 909.7 0.00027 0.005 18.7 0.132 1.355 10.3
Bentazon 3.051 3.078 1.0 0.559 39.267 70.2 1.241 1.493 1.2 11.62 105.741 9.5
Bromoxynil 0.303 0.311 1.0 0.004 2.570 642.4 0.004 0.083 20.9 0.014 6.000 428.6
Bromoxynil 0.260 0.462 1.8 0.006 4.609 768.2 0.006 0.471 78.5 0.142 17.805 125.4
Fluazinam 5.737 5.883 1.0 0.006 4.492 748.7 0.029 0.272 9.4 26.397 26.398 1.0
Malathion 0.006 0.188 31.3 0.031 24.432 788.1 0.028 0.655 23.4 0.052 81.412 1565.6
Metamitron 0.671 0.689 1.0 0.023 16.582 720.9 0.023 0.355 15.5 1.559 44.935 28.8
pendimethalin 0.191 0.145 0.7 0.014 44.349 3167.8 0.010 1.514 151.4 152.970 152.970 1.0
pendimethalin 9.661 7.170 0.7 0.058 10.248 176.7 0.065 0.165 2.4 272.887 337.048 1.2
Propiconazol 0.039 0.055 1.4 0.004 3.420 855.1 0.008 0.171 21.4 0.513 11.786 23.0
Prosulfocarb 0.496 4.036 8.1 0.088 66.867 759.9 0.070 4.170 59.6 15.440 234.524 15.2
Rimsulfuron 0.032 0.032 1.0 0.008 0.747 93.4 0.009 0.022 2.4 0.403 2.348 5.8
Terbutylazin 2.914 2.990 1.0 0.017 12.315 724.4 0.302 1.194 4.0 7.727 32.148 4.2
Tribenuron 0.288 0.289 1.0 0.001 0.321 320.8 0.001 0.010 10.3 0.062 0.747 12.0


Version 1.0 December 2006, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency