Establishment of a basis for administrative use of PestSurf

Figure 7.43. Overview for spring applied pendimethalin in the sandy loam catchment generated by the PestSurf excel template in the downstream part of the catchment. The detection value was set to 5 ng/l spring.

Figure 7.43. Overview for spring applied pendimethalin in the sandy loam catchment generated by the PestSurf excel template in the downstream part of the catchment. The detection value was set to 5 ng/l spring.
Figur 7.43. Oversigt for forårsudbragt pendimethalin i morænelersoplandet genereret med PestSurf-excel-skabelonen for den nedstrøms del af oplandet. Detektionsgrænsen var sat til 5 ng/l.


Version 1.0 December 2006, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency