Establishment of a basis for administrative use of PestSurf

Table 7.19. Part of the result sheet generated by the Pestsurf Excel sheet for autumn applied pendimethalin. The lowest detection valuε = 50 ng/l, toxicity to fish, daphnies and algae are set to 100, 500 and 1000 ng/, respectively. The recorded peaks are shown in Figure 7.55.
Tabel 7.19. Uddrag af resultatpresentationen genereret af PestSurf-Excel-arket for efterårsudbragt pendimethalin. Detektionsgrænsen er sat til 50 ng/l. Toxicitetsværdierne for fisk, dafnier og alger er henholdsvis 100, 500 og 1000 ng/l. De tabellerede hændelser er vist i Figur 7.55.

LILLEBAEK_POND 0.000-68.000; Chainage: 12.500000; EumType: Concentration
Lowest Detection Concentration = 50
Year Date Event Max Conc. Values on descending limb - after Duration before max Duration total Interval to next event
6 min 12 min 30 min 60 min 12 hours 24 hours 48 hours
ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l hours hours days
1994 20-09-1994 08:30:00 1 525 488 455 386 316 118 113 117 0 2968 365
1995 20-09-1995 08:30:00 2 982 865 766 607 477 186 170 167 0 3640 176
1996 14-03-1996 00:00:00 3 82 82 82 82 82 81 81 78 528 816 19
02-04-1996 00:00:00 4 51 51 51 51 51 50 50   24 48 29
01-05-1996 00:00:00 5 51 51 51 51 51 50 50 50 96 144 48
18-06-1996 00:00:00 6 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 408 888 94
20-09-1996 08:30:00 7 1510 1232 1012 768 599 252 225 216 0 1648 99
28-12-1996 00:00:00 8 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 504 5232 266
1997 20-09-1997 08:30:00 9 1513 1234 1013 768 599 250 222 212 0 2008 118
1998 16-01-1998 00:00:00 10 108 108 108 107 107 105 102 102 696 936 41
26-02-1998 00:00:00 11 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 360 576 12
10-03-1998 00:00:00 12 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 24 72 193
19-09-1998 08:30:00 13 538 501 468 399 329 133 128 132 0 2992 365
1999 19-09-1999 08:30:00 14 984 867 768 610 480 189 174 172 0 4744 272
2000 16-06-2000 00:00:00 15 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 1464 2352 94
19-09-2000 08:30:00 16 1512 1234 1014 770 601 255 228 219 0 1648 99
26-12-2000 00:00:00 17 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 504 5448 266
2001 19-09-2001 08:30:00 18 1514 1235 1014 769 600 252 224 215 0 2008 97
24-12-2001 00:00:00 19 104 104 104 104 103 91 77 89 192 336  
Max     1514                 5448 365
Min     51                 48 12
Events with c > lowest effect value (fish)                    
Events with c > lowest effect value (daphnies)                    
Events with c > lowest effect value (algae)                    
80%     1510 (min 5 values)             3640 266
90%     1513 (min 10 values)             5232 365
95%       (min 20 values)                


Version 1.0 December 2006, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency