Establishment of a basis for administrative use of PestSurf

Figure 4.54. Comparison between the flow components and the concentration levels in two points for the spring-applied bromoxynil. Due to the fast breakdown of bromoxynil, the presence of bromoxynil in the groundwater is due to the conditions just after spraying and not to the general groundwater recharge pattern. For both points, the highest concentration occurs during summer.

Figure 4.54. Comparison between the flow components and the concentration levels in two points for the spring-applied bromoxynil. Due to the fast breakdown of bromoxynil, the presence of bromoxynil in the groundwater is due to the conditions just after spraying and not to the general groundwater recharge pattern. For both points, the highest concentration occurs during summer.
Figur 4.54. Sammenligning mellem strømningskomponenter og koncentrationsniveau i to punkter for forårsudbragt bromoxynil. På grund af hurtig nedbrydning af bromoxynil skyldes tilstedeværelsen af bromoxynil i grundvand forholdene lige efter udsprøjtning og ikke det generelle grundvands-tilstrømningsbillede. For begge punkter findes den højeste koncentration om sommeren.


Version 1.0 December 2006, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency