Establishment of a basis for administrative use of PestSurf

Figure 4.57. Comparison between the flow components and the concentration levels in three points for the autumn-applied propiconazol. In this case there is a clear link between high concentrations moving to the groundwater and considerable recharge to groundwater.

Figure 4.57. Comparison between the flow components and the concentration levels in three points for the autumn-applied propiconazol. In this case there is a clear link between high concentrations moving to the groundwater and considerable recharge to groundwater.
Figur 4.57. Sammenligning mellem strømningskomponenter og koncentrationsniveauer i tre punkter for den efterårsudbragte propiconazol. I dette tilfælde er der en tydelig sammenhæng mellem høje koncentrationer, der bevæger sig til grundvand og væsentlig tilstrømning til grundvand.


Version 1.0 December 2006, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency