Establishment of a basis for administrative use of PestSurf

Table 2.9. Part of the result sheet generated by the PestSurf Excel sheet for the upstream part of the sandy loam catchment. Lowest detection value is set to 150 ng/l, toxicity to fish, daphnies and algae are set to 1000, 5000 and 10000 ng/, respectively. The recorded peaks are shown in Figure 2.23.
Tabel 2.9. Uddrag af resultatpresentationen genereret af PestSurf-Excel-arket for den opstrøms del af morænelersoplandet. Detektionsgrænsen er sat til 150 ng/l, toxicitetsværdierne for fisk, dafnier og alger er henholdsvis 1000, 5000 og 10000 ng/l. Hændelserne er vist i Figur 2.23.

OVRELILLEBAEK 960.000-1700.000; Chainage: 1650.000000; EumType: Concentration
Lowest Detection Concentration = 150
Year Date Event Max Conc. Values on descending limb - after Duration before max Duration total Interval to next event
6 min 12 min 30 min 60 min 12 hours 24 hours 48 hours
ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l hours hours days
1994 05-05-1994 08:30:00 1 27097 22010 17592 11500 10473 159     0 12 21
  26-05-1994 04:00:00 2 176 176 175 174 172       2 4 0
  26-05-1994 10:00:00 3 177 177 177 176 175       2 6 344
1995 05-05-1995 08:30:00 4 30687 25441 20620 12228 12842 398 279 259 5960 7320 313
1996 12-03-1996 00:00:00 5 240 240 239 238 237 197 154   0 24 12
  24-03-1996 00:00:00 6 219 219 219 219 219 211 202 194 48 624 26
  19-04-1996 00:00:00 7 154 154 154 154 154 153 152 151 0 72 6
  25-04-1996 00:00:00 8 156 156 156 156 156 153 150   0 24 4
  29-04-1996 00:00:00 9 174 174 174 174 173 164 154   0 24 3
  02-05-1996 00:00:00 10 153 153 153 153 153 151     0 0 2
  05-05-1996 08:30:00 11 25250 20342 16065 9701 8999 253 158   0 31 4
  09-05-1996 08:00:00 12 183 181 179 172 161       3 4 5
  14-05-1996 04:00:00 13 172 170 168 162 153       3 4 114
  04-09-1996 00:00:00 14 156 156 156 156 156 154 152   0 24 60
  03-11-1996 00:00:00 15 160 160 160 159 158       0 0 4
  07-11-1996 00:00:00 16 150 150 150 150         0 0 178
1997 05-05-1997 08:30:00 17 38501 33917 28940 13729 13877 530 246 344 4160 4187 2
  07-05-1997 03:00:00 18 430 430 430 430 430 325 312 325 14 330 13
  20-05-1997 16:00:00 19 515 509 504 486 458 431 417 347 7 1095 100
  27-08-1997 00:00:00 20 286 285 285 283 279 206     0 0 249
1998 04-05-1998 08:30:00 21 27412 22322 17900 11782 10736 406 320 306 4928 6816 365
1999 04-05-1999 08:30:00 22 30749 25501 20678 12282 12890 446 333 313 6032 7512 313
2000 12-03-2000 00:00:00 23 283 283 283 281 279 230 177 155 0 48 11
  23-03-2000 00:00:00 24 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 229 24 624 33
  25-04-2000 00:00:00 25 173 173 173 173 173 170 166 165 144 192 9
  04-05-2000 08:30:00 26 25273 20362 16084 9719 9013 268 175 163 128 200 4
  08-05-2000 08:00:00 27 204 201 199 191 179 159 159 157 18 102 5
  13-05-2000 04:00:00 28 190 188 186 180 169 153 152 151 25 61 1
  14-05-2000 20:00:00 29 150 150 150 150   151 150   1 1 1
  15-05-2000 01:00:00 30 152 152 152 151 151 150     1 4 0
  15-05-2000 08:00:00 31 151 151 150 150 150 150     2 3 0
  15-05-2000 13:00:00 32 150 150 150           0 0 0
  15-05-2000 16:00:00 33 150               0 0 0
  15-05-2000 20:00:00 34 150 150 150 150         2 2 112
  04-09-2000 00:00:00 35 169 169 169 169 169 168 167   24 48 60
  03-11-2000 00:00:00 36 177 177 176 175 174     150 0 0 2
  05-11-2000 00:00:00 37 150 150 150 150       164 0 0 2
  07-11-2000 00:00:00 38 164 164 164 163 163 155     0 0 178
2001 04-05-2001 08:30:00 39 38526 33939 28960 13739 13898 543 259 365 4160 4187 2
  06-05-2001 03:00:00 40 457 457 457 457 457 345 331 345 14 330 13
  19-05-2001 16:00:00 41 547 541 535 517 486 458 443 369 7 1167 100
  27-08-2001 00:00:00 42 304 304 303 301 297 219     0 0 121
  26-12-2001 00:00:00 43 585 584 583 581 577 492 399 368 1848 1968  
Max     38526                 7512 365
Min     150                 0 0
Events with c > lowest effect value (fish)                    
Events with c > lowest effect value (daphnies)                    
Events with c > lowest effect value (algae)                    
80%     585 (min 5 values)             624 114
90%     27412 (min 10 values)             4187 249
95%     30749 (min 20 values)             6816 313


Version 1.0 December 2006, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency