Establishment of a basis for administrative use of PestSurf

Table 4.6. Part of the result sheet generated by the PestSurf Excel sheet, applied to fluazinam. The limiting values applied in the simulation is lowest detection valuε = 3000 ng/l, toxicity to fish, daphnies and algae are set to 4000, 5000 and 10000 ng/, respectively. The recorded peaks are shown in Figure 4.12. EOF: End of File.
Tabel 4.6. Uddrag af resultatpresentationen genereret af PestSurf-Excel-arket anvendt på fluazinam. Grænseværdien anvendt til tabelgenerering er sat til 3000 ng/l mens toxicitetsværdierne for fisk, dafnier og alger er henholdsvis 4000, 5000 og 10000 ng/l. De tabellerede hændelser er vist i Figur 4.12. EOF: slutning af filen.

ODDER_POND 0.000-68.000; Chainage: 20.000000; EumType: Concentration
Lowest Detection Concentration = 3000
Year Date Event Max Conc. Values on descending limb - after Duration before max Duration total Interval to next event
6 min 12 min 30 min 60 min 12 hours 24 hours 48 hours
ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l ng/l hours hours days
2000 09-01-2000 00:00:00 1 3092 3092 3092 3091 3090 3065 3038   24 48 61
10-03-2000 00:00:00 2 4469 4468 4468 4468 4467 4447 4426 4419 1296 2376 353
2001 26-02-2001 00:00:00 3 4422 4422 4422 4422 4422 4420 4417 4296 1392 3168 374
2002 07-03-2002 00:00:00 4 4271 4270 4269 4266 4261 4152 4033 3914 1680 3552 246
08-11-2002 00:00:00 5 3708 3708 3708 3708 3707 3705 3702 3614 432 1392 141
2003 29-03-2003 00:00:00 6 4968 4967 4967 4965 4962 4897 4826 4723 2232 5736 347
2004 09-03-2004 00:00:00 7 5883 5883 5883 5882 5881 5853 5823 5810 2520 4536 236
31-10-2004 00:00:00 8 3098 3097 3097 3095 3092 3019     0 0 117
2005 25-02-2005 00:00:00 9 5097 5097 5097 5096 5096 5091 5086 4946 2664 4872 306
28-12-2005 00:00:00 10 3444 3444 3444 3444 3443 3429 3413 EOF 72 120  
Max     5883                 5736 374
Min     3092                 0 61
Events with c > lowest effect value (fish)                    
Events with c > lowest effect value (daphnies)                    
Events with c > lowest effect value (algae)                    
80%     4968 (min 5 values)             4536 347
90%     5097 (min 10 values)             4872 353
95%       (min 20 values)                


Version 1.0 December 2006, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency