Survey of nanotcnological consumer products


These years, the industrialized countries invest heavily in nanotechnology and consequently the area is progressing with great speed. Almost every day new industrial prospects are presented in this area. However, as the nanotechnological products are increasingly developed for the consumer market, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (DEPA) tendered a “Survey of products which contain nanoparticles or which are based on nanotechnology”. The survey is performed by DHI – Institute for Water and Environment (DHI) in cooperation with Institute for Environment and Resources of DTU.

The consumer product market is very dynamic and the turnover is quick. Already when this project was finalized in early2007, some of the products mentioned in this report had disappeared from the market and new products appeared that are not covered by this survey. Due to this, the conclusions of the project concentrate more on product groups and development tendencies rather than individual products.

In Denmark there are no full-scale production of nanoparticles for use in consumer products and nanotechnologically based articles are imported primarily directly as final products or for the production of own products.


Anja Kamper (product survey)

Pernille Borling (exposure assessment)

Gitte Petersen (trade actors)

Frank Stuer-Lauridsen (Project Mangement)

Steffen Foss Hansen (categorization)

Anders Baun (development environment)

The work has been supervised by a steering committee consisting of:

Dorte Lerche Bjerregaard (Chairman)

Frank Stuer-Lauridsen (DHI Project Manager)

Representatives of the DEPA occupational groups:

Anne-Mette Jørgensen, Poul Bo Larsen, Flemming Ingerslev and representatives of the Project Group. The Steering Committee meetings are held in March, July, September and November.

The actors of the market, among these both individual companies and trade associations have contributed very constructively to the project. The innovative environment, research institutions and authorities have shown great interest in the project and we thank them all for their positive engagement.

The report was closed for contributions in January 2007.


Version 1.0 August 2007, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency