Practical tools for value transfer in Denmark – guidelines and an example

Criteria Element Indicator Comments Rating Comments Rating Comments Rating Comments Rating Comments Rating
Ease of use Accessibility Finding the Database Appears in 2nd   page of Google and Yahoo *** Appears in 1st page of Google and Yahoo ***** Not within 1st 5 pages of any * Appears in 1st  page of Google & Yahoo *** Not within 1st 5 pages *
Accessing the Database Substantial info required, day wait ** Immediate access ***** Immediate access ***** Requires download of database **** Immediate access *****
Database Access Cost Free trial period, cost for extended period. Free for members of EVRI club, i.e. currently Canada, USA, France and UK citiziens **** Free ***** Free ***** Free ***** Free *****
Usability Descriptive Tags Limited in descriptiveness ** Lacking * Lacking * Lacking * Lacking *
Navigation by TAB & Arrow Keys Able to use Tab & Arrow Keys ***** Able to use TAB & Arrow Keys ***** Able to use TAB & Arrow Keys ***** Able to use TAB & Arrow Keys ***** Able to use TAB & Arrow Keys *****
Help File or User Tutorial Tutorial very useful ***** Not present * Not present * No tutorial or help file, but glossary exits *** Guided search difficult to use **
Searching Capabilities Multiple search functions ***** Multiple sort functions **** 2 search options *** Non-searchable * Key word & guided search ***
Home Page Visual Quality Visually appealing, up to date design ***** Visually appealing, up to date design ***** Visually appealing **** Database presented as spreadsheet ** Dated design, heavy text **

Source: Modified from Lantz and Slaney (2005)

Criteria Element Indicator Comments Rating Comments Rating Comments Criteria Element Indicator Comments Rating
Content Benefit transfer Commodity Description General & Specific Description ***** Measured value description ***** General description only *** General and specific descriptions ***** Detailed with guided search ***
Population Description Extensive population description ***** Not a required field – semi descriptive ***** No population description * Limited population descriptions *** No population description *
Location Details Extensive location description ***** Location description is semi-descriptive ***** No location description * Limited to semi-descriptive descriptons *** Limited to region & country **
Comparable Welfare Measures Extensive description ***** Semi-descriptive *** Limited ** Descriptive **** Limitied *
Validity test Not present * Not present * Not present * Presnet, semi-descriptive *** Not present *
Number of Similar Studies 65 studies (water example) ***** 4 studies  (water example) *** 2 studies  (water example) ** 2 studies  (water example) ** Unknown (water example) *
Benefit Function Transfer Function description Provides valuation and function info **** None to limited function information ** No function information * Some function information *** No function information *
Suitable Number of Studies 65 studies (water example) ***** 4 studies  (water example) * 2 studies  (water example) * 2 studies  (water example) * Unknown (water example) *
Simple Bibliography Number of Category 7 values, extensive regions, 20 methods ***** 9 values, 27 regions, 14 methods ***** 8 values, 1 region, 6 methods ** 7 values, 1 region, 19 methods *** 3 values, 12 regions, 19 methods ***
Number of Studies 1283 studies ***** 413 studies **** 100 or so studies *** 172 studies *** 38 studies **
Extensive Bibliography Datedness (2)-2005, (45)-2004, (48)-2003 ***** (3)-2000 * (1)-2004, (2)-2003 **** (13)-2003 ** Unable to determine *


Version 1.0 December 2007, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency