Practical tools for value transfer in Denmark – guidelines and an example


This report is written on behalf of Miljøstyrelsen (Danish Environmental Protection Agency). The main aim is to develop simple and user friendly, practical guidelines for value transfer, which are also scientifically defensible. Since value transfers most often occur both in time and space, the guidelines will address both these dimensions.

Robert Heidemann has been the contact person from Miljøstyrelsen throughout the project and provided very useful comments and guidance in this project.

The reference group, which has helped identify Danish valuation studies and provided helpful and constructive comments, has consisted of the following persons:

Mikael Skou Andersen, Damarks Miljøundersøgelser (National Environmental Research Institute)

Berit Hasler, Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser

Katja Birr-Pedersen , Damarks Miljøundersøgelser

Alex Dubgaard, Fødevareøkonomisk Institut, KVL (The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark)

Bo Jellesmark Thorsen, Skov og Landskab, KVL

Thomas Bue Bjørner, Det Økonomiske Råds sekretariat (Secretariat of the Danish Economic Council)

Lars Hoepfner Trier, Skov- og Naturstyrelsen (Danish Forest and Nature Agency)

Camilla K. Damgaard, Miljøstyrelsen

Jørgen Schou, Miljøstyrelsen

Mr. Jan Atle Liodden at Sweco-Grøner a.s. has proofread the report and prepared appendices A, B, F, H and I; in co-operation with his colleague Mr. Yngve Trædal.

I would like to thank all of you listed above for your valuable contribution to this report.  The final report is, however, the sole responsibility of the author.In particular it should be noted that some members of the reference group have expressed different views on how to apply the guidelines in the Skjern River example in chapter 5, but all members agree on the general benefit transfer guidelines

The appendices are updated by December 2005.

Ståle Navrud


February 2007


Version 1.0 December 2007, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency