Practical tools for value transfer in Denmark – guidelines and an example

Appendix B: List of Danish valuation studies on priority environmental goods

This list is a preliminary list of Danish valuation studies, including both the primary studies presented in more detail in the table in Appendix A, primary studies not published yet, and value transfer exercises.

The list focuses on the environmental goods that Miljøstyrelsen (Danish Environmental Protection Agency) gives priority to: surface water quality, groundwater quality, (including drinking water) marine and coastal areas, soil quality, landscape aesthetics (including recreation), ecosystem functions and biodiversity. Some of the studies are presented in more detail in the table in Appendix A

Surface water quality

Hasler, B., Lundhede, T., Martinsen, L. Neye, S. & Schou, J.S.Valuation of groundwater protection versus water treatment in Denmark by Choice experiments and Contingent Valuation, NERI Technical Report no. 543. (

Primary study, in the table.

Toivonen, A.L., Appelblad, H., Bengtsson, B., Geertz-Hansen, P.,

Gudbergsson, G., Kristofersson, D., Kyrkjebo, H., Navrud, S., Roth E.,

Tuunainen P.and Weissglas, G. Economic Value of Recreational Fisheries in the Nordic Countries. Nordic Council of Ministers, 2000.

Primary study, in the table.

Groundwater quality

Hasler, B., Lundhede, T., Martinsen, L. Neye, S. & Schou, J.S. Valuation of groundwater protection versus water treatment in Denmark by Choice experiments and Contingent Valuation, NERI Technical Report no. 543. (

Primary study, in the table (same study as Hasler et al in ”Sureface water quality”)

Hasler, B., Schou, J.S. & Andersen, M.S. 2004: Forprojekt til værdisætning af grundvand. Miljøstyrelsen. - Miljøprojekt 969: 67 s. (elektronisk).

Findes på:
. Pretest;  and not in the table.


Landscape aestethics windmills

Jordal-Jørgensen, J., "Samfundsmæssig værdi af vindkraft. Delrapport: Visuelle effekter og støj fra vindmøller - kvantificering og værdisætning." (Social Costs of Wind Power: Partial Report of Visual Impacts and Noise from Windmills), Institute for Local Government Studies (AKF), Copenhagen, Denmark 1995, 1995

Primary study, in the table


Boiesen, J., Jacobsen, J.B., Thorsen, B.J., Strange, N. & Dubgaard, A. 2005. Værdisætning af de danske lyngheder. Arbejdsrapport,  KVL, Frederiksberg.

Primary study, in the table


Lundhede, T., Hasler B. & Bille T.  2005. Værdisætning af naturgenopretning og bevarelse af fortidsminder i Store Åmose i Vestsjælland. Rapport fra Skov og Naturstyrelsen, København.

Landscape along motorways

Olsen, S.B., Ladenburg, J., Petersen, M.L., Lopdrup, U., Dubgaard, A., Hansen, A.S. (2005): Motorways versus nature - A welfare-economic valuation of impacts. Under udgivelse som rapport fra IMV. (Choice experiment and Contingent Valuation (additional tax) of entire Danish population and locally in the Silkeborg and Gjern municipalities).

Forthcomming, not in the table


Anthon, S. and Thorsen, B.J.  2002: Værdisætning af statslig skovrejsning. En husprisanalyse [Valuing afforestation – a hedonic approach]. Report for the Forest and Nature Agency, Ministry of the Environment, Denmark, 57 pp.

Primary study, in the table

Birr-Pedersen, K.: Amenity values from afforestation projects in Denmark – Comparing benefits across sites. 6th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE), Lisbon, Portugal, 14-17 June 2005.

Available at:

HP study, no results, not in the table.

Bjørner, T., Russel, C.F., Dubgaard, A., Damgaard, C. & Andersen, L.M. 2000: Public and Private Preferences for Environmental Quality in Denmark. SØM publication no 39. AKF forlaget. København. Available at

Primary study, in the table

Dubgaard, A. 1996: Economic Valuation of Recreation in Mols Bjerge. AKF Forlaget SØM publikation, 11,1-230. Summary available at

Primary study, in the table.

Dubgaard, A. 1998: Economic valuation of recreational benefits from Danish Forests. In: “The economics of Landscapes and Wildlife Conservation”, pp. 53-64, CAB International.

Not found, not in the table.

Dubgaard, A. 2001: Værdisætning af Vestskoven. Refereret i: Det Økonomiske Råd: Dansk Økonomi, Efterår 2000.

Not found, not in the table.

Dubgaard, A. 2003 Willingness to Pay for Recreational Use of a New Urban Forest. Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Department of Economics and Natural Resources

Not found, not in the table

Hasler, B., Damgaard, C.K., Erichsen, E.H., Jørgensen, J.J. & Kristoffersen, H.E. 2002: De rekreative værdier af skov, sø og naturgenopretning. - værdisætning af naturgoder med husprismetoden. AKF Forlaget. 171 s. Findes på:

8. Primary study, in the table

Ladenburg J. & Martinsen 2004 L. Danish consumerns’ willingness to pay for certified wood products. Unit of economics Social Sciences series (blue series) no.14, KVL, Copenhagen

Primary study, in the table

Olsen , S. B. &  Lundhede, T.  2005: Rekreative værdier ved konvertering til naturnær skovdrift. En værdisætningsundersøgelse udført vha. metoden Discrete Choice Experiments. Specialerapport, akf-forlaget.

Not found, not in the table

Præstholm, S., Jensen, F.S., Hasler, B., Damgaard, C.K. & Erichsen, E.H. 2002: The multiple values of Forest and Afforestation in Denmark. In: Elands, B. (ed): Proceedings from the International Policy Research Symposium "The changing role of forestry in Europe; between urbanisation and rural development", Wageningen, The Netherlands, 11-14 November 2001. - Urban Greening and Urban Forestry 1: 97-106.

Not found, not in the table

Termansen, M., McClean, C.J.  and Scarpa, R. "Economic Valuation of Danish Forest Recreation Combining Mixed Logit Models and GIS", Paper presented at the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Conference. Budapest, Hungary. , 2004

Not found, not in the table. (only summary in EVRI)

Termansen, M. 2005 Optimal spatial allocation of reafforestation areas. paper presented at the EAERE conference in Bremen June 2005. Not found, not in the table

Aakerlund, N.F. 2000: Contingent Ranking studie af danskernes præferencer for skovkarakteristika. SØM publikation nr. 36. AKF Forlaget.

Soon available at, not in the table.

Ecosystem functions and biodiversity

Bjørner T., Hauch, J.  & Jespersen, S.  2004. Biodiversitet, sundhed og usikkerhed - en værdisætningsundersøgelse ved contingent ranking metoden. Working paper from the secratariat of the Danish Economic Council (DØRS).

10. Primary study, in the table

Boiesen, J., Jacobsen, J.B., Thorsen, B.J., Strange, N. & Dubgaard, A. 2005. Værdisætning af de danske lyngheder. Arbejdsrapport,  KVL, Frederiksberg.

Pimary study, in the table (Same study as Boiesen et al under “Landscape – Moorland)

Boiesen, J., Jacobsen, J.B., Thorsen, B.J., and Strange, N. Valuing biodiversity protection at habitat-level - flagship species vs. quantitative listings, working-paper, KVL.

Woking paper, not in the table

Lundhede, T., Hasler, B. & Bille, T. 2005 Værdisætning af naturgenopretning og bevarelse af fortidsminder i Store Åmose i Vestsjælland. Under udgivelse som rapport fra Skov og Naturstyrelsen, København.

Primary study, in the table

Olsen S., Ladenburg, J. & Dubgaard, A.  (under udarbejdelse): CE og CVM undersøgelse af natureffekter som følge af motorvejsanlæg. Fødevareøkonomisk institut, KVL.

Forthcoming, Not found, not in the table.

Meilby, H., Strange, N., Thorsen B. J. and Helles, F.  2005: A hedonic analysis of the price of hunting rentals, Forthcoming in Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research

National parks:

Forthcoming reports on national parks.

Contact persons: Bo Jellesmark Thorsen og Jette Bredahl, Skov og landskab, KVL.

Pesticide use:

Bjørner T., Hauch, J.  & Jespersen, S.  2004 Biodiversitet, sundhed og usikkerhed - en værdisætningsundersøgelse ved contingent ranking metoden. Working paper from the secratariat of the Danish Economic Council (DØRS).

Primary study, in the table

Schou, J.S., Hasler, B. & Nahrsted, B. 2005: Valuation of biodiversity effects from reduced pesticide use.  - Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (submitted): 23-08-2005.

Based on the primary study by Schou et al 2005 below.

Schou, J.S., Hald, A.B., Kaltoft, P., Andreasen, C., Vetter, H. & Hasler, B. 2003: Værdisætning af pesticidanvendelsens natur- og miljøeffekter. Miljøstyrelsen. - Bekæmpelsesmiddelforskning fra Miljøstyrelsen 72: 64 s.

Findes på:

Demonstration case. Not to be used, not in the table.

Schou, J.S., T. Lundhede og Neye S.  : Værdisætning af effekterne af ukrudtsbehandling i æbleplantager. (Arbejdstitel, under udarbejdelse)

Forthcoming, not in table


Hansen; Vibeke og Charlotte Juel Petersen 2003: Værdien af gener forbundet med at bo i nærheden af en svinebedrift- værdisætning ved hjælp af husprismetoden. April 2003, AKF Forlaget

Soil quality

Szilas, C., A. Zeuthen Jeppesen & L. Kaalund 2005: Værditab ved salg av forurenede eller tidligere forurenede ejendomme med heårsbeboelse. Hovedrapport. Miljøprosjekt nr. 1046. Rapport til Miljøstyrelsen og Amternes Videncenter for Jordforurening.

Primary study, in the table

Marine and coastal areas

Ladenburg, J, A. Dubgaard, L. Martinsen og J. Tranberg 2005: Economic Valuation of the Visual Externalies of Off-shore Wind farms. Food and Resource Economics Institute, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen.

Primary study, in the table

Benefit transfer in general:

None of the Benefit transfer studies are in the table.

Andersen, M.S. & Strange, N. 2003: Miljøøkonomiske beregningspriser. Forprojekt. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 459: 90 s. (elektronisk). Findes på:

Birr-Pedersen, K.: Amenity values from afforestation projects in Denmark – Comparing benefits across sites. 6th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE), Lisbon, Portugal, 14-17 June 2005.

Available at:

Damgaard, C., Erichsen, E.  & Huusom, H. 2001 Samfundsøkonomisk projektvurdering af skovrejsning ved Vollerup. Skov og Naturstyrelsen.

Dubgaard, A., Kallesøe, M. F., Petersen, M. L., Damgaard, C. K., Erichsen, E. 2002a Velfærd og økonomi i relation til biologisk mangfoldighed og naturbeskyttelse. Den Kongelige Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole.

Dubgaard, A., Kallesøe, M. F., Petersen, M. L. and Ladenburg, J. 2002b Cost-benefit analyse af Skjern-Å-Projektet. Samfundsvidenskabelig serie 9. Institut for Økonomi, Skov og Landskab. Den Kongelige Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole

Hasler, B. & Pedersen, C.J. 2003: Muligheder for generalisering og overførsel af resultater med benefit transfer. Bilag E. I: Schou, J.S., Hald, A.B., Kaltoft, P., Pedersen, N.K., Andreasen, C., Vetter, H., Hasler, B. & Petersen, C.J.: Værdisætning af pesticidanvendelsens natur- ogmiljøeffekter. Bilagsrapport. Miljøstyrelsen. - Arbejdsrapport fra Miljøstyrelsen 39: 145-178.

Zandersen, Marianne 2005 Benefit transfer over time of ecosystem values. The case of forest recreation in Denmark. Working Paper FNU 80 (August 2005). Also presented at the EAERE conference in Bremen June 2005.


Version 1.0 December 2007, © Danish Environmental Protection Agency