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Report from the Sub-committee on Agriculture



Table 5.1 
Treatment frequency index (TFI), acreage, livestock units (LU) and relative cereal yields from the 12 types of farm. The figures have been extracted from farm accounts from the National Department of Farm Accounting and Management of the Danish Family Farmers’ Association (crop rotation = acreage used in crop rotation; total = total acreage in the crop rotation). The treatment frequency index (= TFI) has been fixed on the basis of average figures from 1994. The TFI figures are exclusive of couch-grass control, which averages 0.2.
Types of farm TFI Ha 1000 Livestock units 1000 Rel. cereal yield
  Total Total Crop rotation Pigs Cattle  
Clayey soil 1,100,000 ha            
1. Dairy farms (all farms with milk production) 1.8 142 118 7 196 94
2. Pig farms 2.4 220 184 239 25 101
3. Arable farms with seed production (min. 10%) 2.6 162 141 47 6 108
4. Arable farms, with sugar beet (10%, min.) 3.1 168 151 53 5 111
5. Arable farms without seed production or sugar beet 2.6 218 180 19 10 97
6. Other (under 20 ha) 2.5 156 140 38 25 93
Total   1,063 914 400 264 100

Sandy soil 1,600,000 ha

1. Dairy farms under 1.4 LU dairy cows/ha 1.3 333 268 7 345 92
2. Dairy farms over 1.4 LU dairy cows/ha 1.2 212 174 12 378 94
3. Pig farms 2.0 450 358 418 138 104
4. Arable farms with potatoes (min. 10%) 3.4 135 116 41 11 96
5. Arable farms without potatoes 2.3 279 231 24 26 108
6. Other (under 20 ha) 1.8 148 116 41 71 87
Total   1,556 1,262 541 969 100
Total 2.3 2,619 2,176 941 1,233