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Report from the Sub-committee on Agriculture



Table 5.4 
Treatment frequency index from 1994 according to the Pesticide Statistics, plus extra breakdown of winter cereals, spring cereals and sugar beet. The figures do not include the consumption of seed-dressing products.
  Total Herbicides Fungicides Insecticides Growth regulators
Winter wheat, clay 3.2* 1.2 0.93 0.65 0.4
Winter wheat, sand 3.6* 1.6 0.93 0.65 0.4
Spring barley, clay 2.0* 0.79 0.5 0.7 0
Spring barley, sand 1.3* 0.79 0.25 0.3 0
Rye/triticale 1.4* 1.0 0.3 0.1 0.6
Winter barley 1.9* 1.3 0.6 0 0
Winter rape 2.47 1.34 0.07 1.05 0
Spring rape 2.04 0.91 0.03 1.11 0
Peas 3.32 2.1 0.38 0.83 0
Wholecrop 1.0 0.79 0.2   0
Sugar beet 4.3 2.17 0.02 2.1 0
Mangolds 4.0 2.17 0.02 1.5 0
Potatoes 6.9 1.51 5.15 0.28 0
Seed grass 1.5 0.8 0.02 0.6 0.1*
Grass 0.08 0.03 - 0.05 0
Maize 1.3 1.0 0 0.3 0
Control of couch grass 0.2 0.2 - - -

*adjusted in relation to the 1994 statistics